Cisco utbildning

Insoft Services är en av få utbildningsleverantörer inom EMEAR som erbjuder hela utbudet av Cisco-certifiering och specialiserad teknikutbildning.

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Upplev en blandad inlärningsmetod som kombinerar det bästa av instruktörsledd utbildning och e-lärande i egen takt för att hjälpa dig att förbereda dig för ditt certifieringsprov.

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Cisco Learning Credits

Cisco Learning Credits (CLC) är förbetalda utbildningskuponger som löses in direkt med Cisco och som gör det enklare att planera för din framgång när du köper Ciscos produkter och tjänster.

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Cisco Fortbildning

Ciscos fortbildningsprogram erbjuder alla aktiva certifikatinnehavare flexibla alternativ för att omcertifiera genom att slutföra en mängd olika kvalificerade utbildningsartiklar.

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Cisco Digital Learning

Certifierade medarbetare är VÄRDERADE tillgångar. Utforska Ciscos officiella digitala utbildningsbibliotek för att utbilda dig själv genom inspelade sessioner.

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Partner för affärsaktivering

Cisco Business Enablement Partner Program fokuserar på att vässa affärskunskaperna hos Cisco Channel Partners och kunder.

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Cisco Kurskatalog

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Fortinet Network Security Expert (NSE) -programmet är ett utbildnings- och certifieringsprogram på åtta nivåer för att lära ingenjörer om deras nätverkssäkerhet för Fortinet FW-färdigheter och erfarenheter.

Tekniska utbildningar

Tekniska utbildningar

Insoft är erkänt som Fortinet Authorized Training Center på utvalda platser i EMEA.

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Fortinet Kurskatalog

Utforska ett brett utbud av Fortinet-scheman i olika länder samt onlinekurser.

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Kolla in vår ATC-status i utvalda länder i Europa.

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Fortinet Professionella tjänster

Globalt erkända team av certifierade experter hjälper dig att göra en smidigare övergång med våra fördefinierade konsult-, installations- och migreringspaket för ett brett utbud av Fortinet-produkter.

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Insoft Services tillhandahåller Microsoft-utbildning i EMEAR. Vi erbjuder Microsofts tekniska utbildnings- och certifieringskurser som leds av instruktörer i världsklass.

Tekniska utbildningar


Lär dig exceptionella kunskaper och färdigheter i Extreme Networks.

Technische Kurse


Vi tillhandahåller omfattande läroplan för tekniska kompetensfärdigheter på certifieringsprestationen.

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Extreme Kurskatalog

Hier finden Sie alle Extreme Networks online und den von Lehrern geleiteten Kalender für den Klassenraum.

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Som auktoriserad utbildningspartner (ATP) säkerställer Insoft Services att du får de högsta tillgängliga utbildningsstandarderna.

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Vi erbjuder innovativt och avancerat stöd för att designa, implementera och optimera IT-lösningar.Vår kundbas inkluderar några av de största telekombolagen globalt.

Lösningar och tjänster

Globalt erkända team av certifierade experter hjälper dig att göra en smidigare övergång med våra fördefinierade konsult-, installations- och migreringspaket för ett brett utbud av Fortinet-produkter.

Om oss

Insoft Tillhandahåller auktoriserade utbildnings- och konsulttjänster för utvalda IP-leverantörer.Lär dig hur vi revolutionerar branschen.

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  • +46 8 502 431 88
  • AWS Security Governance at Scale

    1 Dag
    (Online och på plats)
    Pris på begäran

    Security is foundational to AWS. Governance at scale is a new concept for automating cloud governance that can help companies retire manual processes in account management, budget enforcement, and security and compliance. By automating common challenges, companies can scale without inhibiting agility, speed, or innovation. In addition, they can provide decision makers with the visibility, control, and
    governance necessary to protect sensitive data and systems. In this course, you will learn how to facilitate developer speed and agility, and incorporate preventive and detective controls. By the end of this course, you will be able to apply governance best practices.


    • Course level: Intermediate

    In this course, you will learn to:

    • Establish a landing zone with AWS Control Tower
    • Configure AWS Organizations to create a multi-account environment
    • Implement identity management using AWS Single Sign-On users and groups
    • Federate access using AWS SSO
    • Enforce policies using prepackaged guardrails
    • Centralize logging using AWS CloudTrail and AWS Config
    • Enable cross-account security audits using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
    • Define workflows for provisioning accounts using AWS Service Catalog and AWS Security Hub

    Course Introduction

    • Instructor introduction
    • Learning objectives
    • Course structure and objectives
    • Course logistics and agenda

    Module 1: Governance at Scale

    • Governance at scale focal points
    • Business and Technical Challenges

    Module 2: Governance Automation

    • Multi-account strategies, guidance, and architecture
    • Environments for agility and governance at scale
    • Governance with AWS Control Tower
    • Use cases for governance at scale

    Module 3: Preventive Controls

    • Enterprise environment challenges for developers
    • AWS Service Catalog
    • Resource creation
    • Workflows for provisioning accounts
    • Preventive cost and security governance
    • Self-service with existing IT service management (ITSM) tools

    Lab 1: Deploy Resources for AWS Catalog

    • Create a new AWS Service Catalog portfolio and product.
    • Add an IAM role to a launch constraint to limit the actions the product can perform.
    • Grant access for an IAM role to view the catalog items.
    • Deploy an S3 bucket from an AWS Service Catalog product.

    Module 4: Detective Controls

    • Operations aspect of governance at scale
    • Resource monitoring
    • Configuration rules for auditing
    • Operational insights
    • Remediation
    • Clean up accounts

    Lab 2: Compliance and Security Automation with AWS Config

    • Apply Managed Rules through AWS Config to selected resources
    • Automate remediation based on AWS Config rules
    • Investigate the Amazon Config dashboard and verify resources and rule compliance

    Lab 3: Taking Action with AWS Systems Manager

    • Setup Resource Groups for various resources based on common requirements
    • Perform automated actions against targeted Resource Groups

    Module 5: Resources

    • Explore additional resources for security governance at scale

    This course is intended for:

    • Solutions architects, security DevOps, and security engineers

    Before attending this course, participants should have completed the following:



    • AWS Security Fundamentals course
    • AWS Security Essentials course



    • AWS Cloud Management Assessment
    • Introduction to AWS Control Tower course
    • Automated Landing Zone course
    • Introduction to AWS Service Catalog course

    Security is foundational to AWS. Governance at scale is a new concept for automating cloud governance that can help companies retire manual processes in account management, budget enforcement, and security and compliance. By automating common challenges, companies can scale without inhibiting agility, speed, or innovation. In addition, they can provide decision makers with the visibility, control, and
    governance necessary to protect sensitive data and systems. In this course, you will learn how to facilitate developer speed and agility, and incorporate preventive and detective controls. By the end of this course, you will be able to apply governance best practices.


    • Course level: Intermediate

    In this course, you will learn to:

    • Establish a landing zone with AWS Control Tower
    • Configure AWS Organizations to create a multi-account environment
    • Implement identity management using AWS Single Sign-On users and groups
    • Federate access using AWS SSO
    • Enforce policies using prepackaged guardrails
    • Centralize logging using AWS CloudTrail and AWS Config
    • Enable cross-account security audits using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
    • Define workflows for provisioning accounts using AWS Service Catalog and AWS Security Hub

    Course Introduction

    • Instructor introduction
    • Learning objectives
    • Course structure and objectives
    • Course logistics and agenda

    Module 1: Governance at Scale

    • Governance at scale focal points
    • Business and Technical Challenges

    Module 2: Governance Automation

    • Multi-account strategies, guidance, and architecture
    • Environments for agility and governance at scale
    • Governance with AWS Control Tower
    • Use cases for governance at scale

    Module 3: Preventive Controls

    • Enterprise environment challenges for developers
    • AWS Service Catalog
    • Resource creation
    • Workflows for provisioning accounts
    • Preventive cost and security governance
    • Self-service with existing IT service management (ITSM) tools

    Lab 1: Deploy Resources for AWS Catalog

    • Create a new AWS Service Catalog portfolio and product.
    • Add an IAM role to a launch constraint to limit the actions the product can perform.
    • Grant access for an IAM role to view the catalog items.
    • Deploy an S3 bucket from an AWS Service Catalog product.

    Module 4: Detective Controls

    • Operations aspect of governance at scale
    • Resource monitoring
    • Configuration rules for auditing
    • Operational insights
    • Remediation
    • Clean up accounts

    Lab 2: Compliance and Security Automation with AWS Config

    • Apply Managed Rules through AWS Config to selected resources
    • Automate remediation based on AWS Config rules
    • Investigate the Amazon Config dashboard and verify resources and rule compliance

    Lab 3: Taking Action with AWS Systems Manager

    • Setup Resource Groups for various resources based on common requirements
    • Perform automated actions against targeted Resource Groups

    Module 5: Resources

    • Explore additional resources for security governance at scale

    This course is intended for:

    • Solutions architects, security DevOps, and security engineers

    Before attending this course, participants should have completed the following:



    • AWS Security Fundamentals course
    • AWS Security Essentials course



    • AWS Cloud Management Assessment
    • Introduction to AWS Control Tower course
    • Automated Landing Zone course
    • Introduction to AWS Service Catalog course
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    Follow Up Courses

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    • 3 Dagar
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    • 1 Dag
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    • 1 Dag
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      Price on Request
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    • 3 Dagar
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