Cisco utbildning

Insoft Services är en av få utbildningsleverantörer inom EMEAR som erbjuder hela utbudet av Cisco-certifiering och specialiserad teknikutbildning.

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Upplev en blandad inlärningsmetod som kombinerar det bästa av instruktörsledd utbildning och e-lärande i egen takt för att hjälpa dig att förbereda dig för ditt certifieringsprov.

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Cisco Learning Credits

Cisco Learning Credits (CLC) är förbetalda utbildningskuponger som löses in direkt med Cisco och som gör det enklare att planera för din framgång när du köper Ciscos produkter och tjänster.

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Cisco Fortbildning

Ciscos fortbildningsprogram erbjuder alla aktiva certifikatinnehavare flexibla alternativ för att omcertifiera genom att slutföra en mängd olika kvalificerade utbildningsartiklar.

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Cisco Digital Learning

Certifierade medarbetare är VÄRDERADE tillgångar. Utforska Ciscos officiella digitala utbildningsbibliotek för att utbilda dig själv genom inspelade sessioner.

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Partner för affärsaktivering

Cisco Business Enablement Partner Program fokuserar på att vässa affärskunskaperna hos Cisco Channel Partners och kunder.

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Cisco Kurskatalog

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Fortinet Network Security Expert (NSE) -programmet är ett utbildnings- och certifieringsprogram på åtta nivåer för att lära ingenjörer om deras nätverkssäkerhet för Fortinet FW-färdigheter och erfarenheter.

Tekniska utbildningar

Tekniska utbildningar

Insoft är erkänt som Fortinet Authorized Training Center på utvalda platser i EMEA.

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Fortinet Kurskatalog

Utforska ett brett utbud av Fortinet-scheman i olika länder samt onlinekurser.

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Kolla in vår ATC-status i utvalda länder i Europa.

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Fortinet Professionella tjänster

Globalt erkända team av certifierade experter hjälper dig att göra en smidigare övergång med våra fördefinierade konsult-, installations- och migreringspaket för ett brett utbud av Fortinet-produkter.

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Insoft Services tillhandahåller Microsoft-utbildning i EMEAR. Vi erbjuder Microsofts tekniska utbildnings- och certifieringskurser som leds av instruktörer i världsklass.

Tekniska utbildningar


Lär dig exceptionella kunskaper och färdigheter i Extreme Networks.

Technische Kurse


Vi tillhandahåller omfattande läroplan för tekniska kompetensfärdigheter på certifieringsprestationen.

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Extreme Kurskatalog

Hier finden Sie alle Extreme Networks online und den von Lehrern geleiteten Kalender für den Klassenraum.

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Som auktoriserad utbildningspartner (ATP) säkerställer Insoft Services att du får de högsta tillgängliga utbildningsstandarderna.

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Vi erbjuder innovativt och avancerat stöd för att designa, implementera och optimera IT-lösningar.Vår kundbas inkluderar några av de största telekombolagen globalt.

Lösningar och tjänster

Globalt erkända team av certifierade experter hjälper dig att göra en smidigare övergång med våra fördefinierade konsult-, installations- och migreringspaket för ett brett utbud av Fortinet-produkter.

Om oss

Insoft Tillhandahåller auktoriserade utbildnings- och konsulttjänster för utvalda IP-leverantörer.Lär dig hur vi revolutionerar branschen.

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  • +46 8 502 431 88
  • AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials

    1 Dag
    (Online och på plats)
    Pris på begäran

    This course is for individuals who seek an overall understanding of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud, independent of specific technical roles. You will learn about AWS Cloud concepts, AWS services, security, architecture, pricing, and support to build your AWS Cloud knowledge. This course also helps you prepare for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam.

    • Summarize the working definition of AWS
    • Differentiate between on-premises, hybrid-cloud, and all-in cloud
    • Describe the basic global infrastructure of the AWS Cloud
    • Explain the six benefits of the AWS Cloud
    • Describe and provide an example of the core AWS services, including compute, network, databases, and storage
    • Identify an appropriate solution using AWS Cloud services with various use cases
    • Describe the AWS Well-Architected Framework
    • Explain the shared responsibility model
    • Describe the core security services within the AWS Cloud
    • Describe the basics of AWS Cloud migration
    • Articulate the financial benefits of the AWS Cloud for an organization’s cost management
    • Define the core billing, account management, and pricing models
    • Explain how to use pricing tools to make cost-effective choices for AWS services

    Module 1: Introduction to Amazon Web Services

    • Summarize the benefits of AWS
    • Describe differences between on-demand delivery and cloud deployments
    • Summarize the pay-as-you-go pricing model

    Module 2: Compute in the Cloud

    • Describe the benefits of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) at a basic level
    • Identify the different Amazon EC2 instance types
    • Differentiate between the various billing options for Amazon EC2
    • Describe the benefits of Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling
    • Summarize the benefits of Elastic Load Balancing
    • Give an example of the uses for Elastic Load Balancing
    • Summarize the differences between Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) and Amazon Simple Queue Services (Amazon SQS)
    • Summarize additional AWS compute options

    Module 3: Global Infrastructure and Reliability

    • Summarize the benefits of the AWS Global Infrastructure
    • Describe the basic concept of Availability Zones
    • Describe the benefits of Amazon CloudFront and Edge locations
    • Compare different methods for provisioning AWS services

    Module 4: Networking

    • Describe the basic concepts of networking
    • Describe the difference between public and private networking resources
    • Explain a virtual private gateway using a real life scenario
    • Explain a virtual private network (VPN) using a real life scenario
    • Describe the benefit of AWS Direct Connect
    • Describe the benefit of hybrid deployments
    • Describe the layers of security used in an IT strategy
    • Describe which services are used to interact with the AWS global network

    Module 5: Storage and Databases

    • Summarize the basic concept of storage and databases
    • Describe benefits of Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS)
    • Describe benefits of Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)
    • Describe the benefits of Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS)
    • Summarize various storage solutions
    • Describe the benefits of Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS)
    • Describe the benefits of Amazon DynamoDB
    • Summarize various database services

    Module 6: Security

    • Explain the benefits of the shared responsibility model
    • Describe multi-factor authentication (MFA)
    • Differentiate between the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) security levels
    • Describe security policies at a basic level
    • Explain the benefits of AWS Organizations
    • Summarize the benefits of compliance with AWS
    • Explain primary AWS security services at a basic level

    Module 7: Monitoring and Analytics

    • Summarize approaches to monitoring your AWS environment
    • Describe the benefits of Amazon CloudWatch
    • Describe the benefits of AWS CloudTrail
    • Describe the benefits of AWS Trusted Advisor

    Module 8: Pricing and Support

    • Understand AWS pricing and support models
    • Describe the AWS Free Tier
    • Describe key benefits of AWS Organizations and consolidated billing
    • Explain the benefits of AWS Budgets
    • Explain the benefits of AWS Cost Explorer
    • Explain the primary benefits of the AWS Pricing Calculator
    • Distinguish between the various AWS Support Plans
    • Describe the benefits of AWS Marketplace

    Module 9: Migration and Innovation

    • Understand migration and innovation in the AWS Cloud
    • Summarize the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF)
    • Summarize six key factors of a cloud migration strategy
    • Describe the benefits of various AWS data migration solutions, such as AWS Snowcone, AWS Snowball, and AWS Snowmobile
    • Summarize the broad scope of innovative solutions that AWS offers
    • Summarize the five pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework

    Module 10: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Basics

    • Determine resources for preparing for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner examination
    • Describe benefits of becoming AWS Certified

    This course is intended for:

    • Sales
    • Legal
    • Marketing
    • Business analysts
    • Project managers
    • AWS Academy students
    • Other IT-related professionals

    We recommend that attendees of this course have the following prerequisites:

    • General IT technical knowledge
    • General IT business knowledge

    This course is for individuals who seek an overall understanding of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud, independent of specific technical roles. You will learn about AWS Cloud concepts, AWS services, security, architecture, pricing, and support to build your AWS Cloud knowledge. This course also helps you prepare for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam.

    • Summarize the working definition of AWS
    • Differentiate between on-premises, hybrid-cloud, and all-in cloud
    • Describe the basic global infrastructure of the AWS Cloud
    • Explain the six benefits of the AWS Cloud
    • Describe and provide an example of the core AWS services, including compute, network, databases, and storage
    • Identify an appropriate solution using AWS Cloud services with various use cases
    • Describe the AWS Well-Architected Framework
    • Explain the shared responsibility model
    • Describe the core security services within the AWS Cloud
    • Describe the basics of AWS Cloud migration
    • Articulate the financial benefits of the AWS Cloud for an organization’s cost management
    • Define the core billing, account management, and pricing models
    • Explain how to use pricing tools to make cost-effective choices for AWS services

    Module 1: Introduction to Amazon Web Services

    • Summarize the benefits of AWS
    • Describe differences between on-demand delivery and cloud deployments
    • Summarize the pay-as-you-go pricing model

    Module 2: Compute in the Cloud

    • Describe the benefits of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) at a basic level
    • Identify the different Amazon EC2 instance types
    • Differentiate between the various billing options for Amazon EC2
    • Describe the benefits of Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling
    • Summarize the benefits of Elastic Load Balancing
    • Give an example of the uses for Elastic Load Balancing
    • Summarize the differences between Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) and Amazon Simple Queue Services (Amazon SQS)
    • Summarize additional AWS compute options

    Module 3: Global Infrastructure and Reliability

    • Summarize the benefits of the AWS Global Infrastructure
    • Describe the basic concept of Availability Zones
    • Describe the benefits of Amazon CloudFront and Edge locations
    • Compare different methods for provisioning AWS services

    Module 4: Networking

    • Describe the basic concepts of networking
    • Describe the difference between public and private networking resources
    • Explain a virtual private gateway using a real life scenario
    • Explain a virtual private network (VPN) using a real life scenario
    • Describe the benefit of AWS Direct Connect
    • Describe the benefit of hybrid deployments
    • Describe the layers of security used in an IT strategy
    • Describe which services are used to interact with the AWS global network

    Module 5: Storage and Databases

    • Summarize the basic concept of storage and databases
    • Describe benefits of Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS)
    • Describe benefits of Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)
    • Describe the benefits of Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS)
    • Summarize various storage solutions
    • Describe the benefits of Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS)
    • Describe the benefits of Amazon DynamoDB
    • Summarize various database services

    Module 6: Security

    • Explain the benefits of the shared responsibility model
    • Describe multi-factor authentication (MFA)
    • Differentiate between the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) security levels
    • Describe security policies at a basic level
    • Explain the benefits of AWS Organizations
    • Summarize the benefits of compliance with AWS
    • Explain primary AWS security services at a basic level

    Module 7: Monitoring and Analytics

    • Summarize approaches to monitoring your AWS environment
    • Describe the benefits of Amazon CloudWatch
    • Describe the benefits of AWS CloudTrail
    • Describe the benefits of AWS Trusted Advisor

    Module 8: Pricing and Support

    • Understand AWS pricing and support models
    • Describe the AWS Free Tier
    • Describe key benefits of AWS Organizations and consolidated billing
    • Explain the benefits of AWS Budgets
    • Explain the benefits of AWS Cost Explorer
    • Explain the primary benefits of the AWS Pricing Calculator
    • Distinguish between the various AWS Support Plans
    • Describe the benefits of AWS Marketplace

    Module 9: Migration and Innovation

    • Understand migration and innovation in the AWS Cloud
    • Summarize the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF)
    • Summarize six key factors of a cloud migration strategy
    • Describe the benefits of various AWS data migration solutions, such as AWS Snowcone, AWS Snowball, and AWS Snowmobile
    • Summarize the broad scope of innovative solutions that AWS offers
    • Summarize the five pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework

    Module 10: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Basics

    • Determine resources for preparing for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner examination
    • Describe benefits of becoming AWS Certified

    This course is intended for:

    • Sales
    • Legal
    • Marketing
    • Business analysts
    • Project managers
    • AWS Academy students
    • Other IT-related professionals

    We recommend that attendees of this course have the following prerequisites:

    • General IT technical knowledge
    • General IT business knowledge
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