
Insoft Services er en av få opplæringsleverandører i EMEAR som tilbyr hele spekteret av Cisco-sertifisering og spesialisert teknologiopplæring.

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Cisco Sertifisering

Opplev en blandet læringstilnærming som kombinerer det beste av instruktørledet opplæring og e-læring i eget tempo for å hjelpe deg med å forberede deg til sertifiseringseksamen.

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Cisco Learning Credits

Cisco Learning Credits (CLC) er forhåndsbetalte opplæringskuponger innløst direkte med Cisco som gjør planleggingen for suksessen din enklere når du kjøper Cisco-produkter og -tjenester.

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Cisco Continuing Education Program tilbyr alle aktive sertifiseringsinnehavere fleksible alternativer for å resertifisere ved å fullføre en rekke kvalifiserte opplæringselementer.

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Cisco Digital Learning

Sertifiserte ansatte er verdsatte eiendeler. Utforsk Ciscos offisielle digitale læringsbibliotek for å utdanne deg gjennom innspilte økter.

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Cisco Business Enablement

Cisco Business Enablement Partner Program fokuserer på å skjerpe forretningsferdighetene til Cisco Channel Partners og kunder.

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Cisco opplæringskatalog

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Fortinet Sertifisering

Fortinet Network Security Expert (NSE)-programmet er et opplærings- og sertifiseringsprogram på åtte nivåer for å lære ingeniører om nettverkssikkerheten for Fortinet FW-ferdigheter og -erfaring.

Tekniske kurs


Insoft er anerkjent som Fortinet Autorisert Opplæringssenter på utvalgte steder i EMEA.

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Fortinet opplæringskatalog

Utforsk et bredt utvalg av Fortinet Schedule på tvers av forskjellige land så vel som online kurs.

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Sjekk atc-statusen vår på tvers av utvalgte land i Europa.

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Pakker for Fortinet-tjenester

Insoft Services har utviklet en spesifikk løsning for å effektivisere og forenkle prosessen med å installere eller migrere til Fortinet-produkter.

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Insoft Services gir Microsoft opplæring i EMEAR. Vi tilbyr Microsofts tekniske opplærings- og sertifiseringskurs som ledes av instruktører i verdensklasse.

Tekniske kurs


Lær eksepsjonell kunnskap og ferdigheter i ekstreme nettverk.

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Teknisk sertifisering

Vi tilbyr omfattende læreplan over tekniske kompetanseferdigheter om sertifiseringsprestasjonen.

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Extreme opplæringskatalog

Tekniske kurs


Som autorisert opplæringspartner (ATP) sørger Insoft Services for at du får de høyeste utdanningsstandardene som er tilgjengelige.

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Løsninger og tjenester

Vi tilbyr innovativ og avansert støtte for design, implementering og optimalisering av IT-løsninger. Vår kundebase inkluderer noen av de største Telcos globalt.

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Globalt anerkjent team av sertifiserte eksperter hjelper deg med å gjøre en jevnere overgang med våre forhåndsdefinerte konsulent-, installasjons- og migrasjonspakker for et bredt spekter av Fortinet-produkter.

Om oss

Insoft Tilbyr autoriserte opplærings- og konsulenttjenester for utvalgte IP-leverandører. Finn ut hvordan vi revolusjonerer bransjen.

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  • +47 23 96 21 03
  • Juniper Wireless Networks with Mist AI

    4 Dager
    (Online Og På stedet)
    Pris på forespørsel

    This four-day course is designed to provide students with the knowledge required to work with enterprise wireless technologies and Mist AI-driven Wi-Fi networks. Students will gain in-depth knowledge of Wi-Fi technologies, Mist technologies, and how to configure and use them. Through demonstrations and hands-on labs, students will gain experience with the features and functionalities of Mist AI-driven Wi-Fi.

    • Introduce the IEEE 802.11 standard and amendments.
    • Define Wi-Fi frequency bands.
    • Apply radio frequency basics in Wi-Fi networks.
    • Identify how modulation and coding make up Wi-Fi.
    • Describe the inter-workings of association and roaming.
    • Describe network contention factors.
    • Define WLANs.
    • Introduce Mist.
    • Describe Mist configuration objects for Wi-Fi.
    • Explain Juniper access points and their configuration options.
    • Describe Mist’s WLAN configuration objects.
    • Describe Mist Edge.
    • Describe the Mist guest options.
    • Describe WXLAN policy and apply it to users.
    • Describe wireless intrusion detection and prevention from Mist.
    • Explain wireless service-level expectations (SLEs) in relation to users.
    • Examine events and insights from the Mist cloud.
    • Summarize Mist’s Radio Resource Management (RRM).
    • Evaluate custom dashboard and report options.
    • Evaluate machine learning and artificial intelligence.
    • Summarize Marvis queries.
    • Explain the functions of Mist’s Marvis actions.
    • Compare location service’s concepts and methods.
    • Explain Mist’s approach to user engagement.

    DAY 1

    1. Course Introduction


    2 Wi-Fi Standards

    • Describe the purpose of the 802.11 standard and its physical layer amendments


    3. Wi-Fi Radio Frequency Bands

    • Describe the 2.4-GHz, 5-GHz, and 6-GHz frequency bands used for WLANs and their channels


    4. Applying Radio Frequency Basics to Wi-Fi

    • Describe the properties of an RF wave
    • Convert dBm to Milliwatts using RF math
    • Explain free space path loss and how it relates to WLANs


    5. Modulation and Coding for Wi-Fi

    • Explain RF modulation and how it relates to WLAN data rates
    • Describe the relationship between SNR and MCS


    6. Understanding Client Association and Roaming

    • Describe the 802.11 state machine and steps required for an 802.11 station to connect to an access point
    • Explain the protocols used in a client’s connection to the network


    7. Network Contention Factors

    • Describe 802.11 contention


    Lab 1: WLAN Testing


    8. Wi-Fi Architectures and Life Cycle

    • Differentiate WLAN architectures
    • Describe the stages of the WLAN life cycle


    9. Getting Started with Mist

    • Examine the Mist architecture
    • Create a Mist account
    • Summarize Mist subscriptions


    Lab 2: Initial Setup


    DAY 2

    10. Mist Configuration Objects

    • Explain the difference between organization-level and site-level configuration objects
    • Define Mist configuration objects and their uses
    • Summarize the MSP dashboard


    Lab 3: Remote Site and Site Groups and Variables


    11. Juniper Access Points

    • Summarize access points and connectivity
    • Describe the boot procedure for a Juniper AP, its requirements, and the process of adding a Juniper AP to the Mist cloud
    • Describe common AP configuration settings
    • Use the Mist AP dashboard to get information about an AP


    12. WLANs

    • Define a BSS, ESS, and SSIDs and their functions
    • Review additional WLAN configuration options
    • Explain WLAN security options and how they are configured in a Mist WLAN configuration object
    • Describe data rates and how they are configured in Mist


    13. Mist Edge

    • Define the features and benefits
    • Identify popular use cases
    • Categorize the product options
    • Summarize the installation
    • Review the Edge management
    • Troubleshoot the device and connectivity


    DAY 3

    14. Guest Portals

    • Describe the Mist guest options


    15. Mist WXLAN Policies

    • Explain WLAN policies and how they are configured


    Lab 4: WLANs and WXLAN


    16. Mist Wi-Fi Security

    • Describe WLAN security threats detected by the Mist WLAN system


    17. Mist Service-Level Expectations

    • List Wi-Fi Assurance SLEs and their classifiers


    18. Mist Events and Insights

    • Describe site, AP, and client events
    • Explain the packet capture functionality of the Mist system
    • Describe the 802.11 MAC header and list 802.11 MAC frame types


    Lab 5: SLE Troubleshooting


    19. Mist Radio Resource Management

    • Describe the Mist RRM operations and their purposes


    DAY 4

    20. Mist Dashboard and Reports

    • Evaluate customer dashboard and report options21 Mist Artificial Intelligence and Troubleshooting Options
    • Assess Mist’s application of artificial intelligence
    • Review troubleshooting options; reactive and proactive


    21. Mist Artificial Intelligence and Troubleshooting Options

    • Assess Mist’s application of artificial intelligence
    • Review troubleshooting options; reactive and proactive


    22. Marvis Queries

    • Explain the difference between Marvis natural language and Marvis query language


    23. Marvis Actions

    • Describe the functions of Marvis actions


    Lab 6: Marvis


    24. Location-Based Services

    • Review Wi-Fi components for location services 25 User Engagement and Contact Tracing
    • Examine Mist’s proximity tracing capabilities


    25. User Engagement and Proximity Tracing

    • Examine Mist’s proximity tracing capabilities

    Individuals working with enterprise wireless networks and applying artificial intelligence to their activities

    • Basic TCP/IP skills
    • General networking
    • Basic knowledge of wireless technologies (Wi-Fi) is recommended

    This four-day course is designed to provide students with the knowledge required to work with enterprise wireless technologies and Mist AI-driven Wi-Fi networks. Students will gain in-depth knowledge of Wi-Fi technologies, Mist technologies, and how to configure and use them. Through demonstrations and hands-on labs, students will gain experience with the features and functionalities of Mist AI-driven Wi-Fi.

    • Introduce the IEEE 802.11 standard and amendments.
    • Define Wi-Fi frequency bands.
    • Apply radio frequency basics in Wi-Fi networks.
    • Identify how modulation and coding make up Wi-Fi.
    • Describe the inter-workings of association and roaming.
    • Describe network contention factors.
    • Define WLANs.
    • Introduce Mist.
    • Describe Mist configuration objects for Wi-Fi.
    • Explain Juniper access points and their configuration options.
    • Describe Mist’s WLAN configuration objects.
    • Describe Mist Edge.
    • Describe the Mist guest options.
    • Describe WXLAN policy and apply it to users.
    • Describe wireless intrusion detection and prevention from Mist.
    • Explain wireless service-level expectations (SLEs) in relation to users.
    • Examine events and insights from the Mist cloud.
    • Summarize Mist’s Radio Resource Management (RRM).
    • Evaluate custom dashboard and report options.
    • Evaluate machine learning and artificial intelligence.
    • Summarize Marvis queries.
    • Explain the functions of Mist’s Marvis actions.
    • Compare location service’s concepts and methods.
    • Explain Mist’s approach to user engagement.

    DAY 1

    1. Course Introduction


    2 Wi-Fi Standards

    • Describe the purpose of the 802.11 standard and its physical layer amendments


    3. Wi-Fi Radio Frequency Bands

    • Describe the 2.4-GHz, 5-GHz, and 6-GHz frequency bands used for WLANs and their channels


    4. Applying Radio Frequency Basics to Wi-Fi

    • Describe the properties of an RF wave
    • Convert dBm to Milliwatts using RF math
    • Explain free space path loss and how it relates to WLANs


    5. Modulation and Coding for Wi-Fi

    • Explain RF modulation and how it relates to WLAN data rates
    • Describe the relationship between SNR and MCS


    6. Understanding Client Association and Roaming

    • Describe the 802.11 state machine and steps required for an 802.11 station to connect to an access point
    • Explain the protocols used in a client’s connection to the network


    7. Network Contention Factors

    • Describe 802.11 contention


    Lab 1: WLAN Testing


    8. Wi-Fi Architectures and Life Cycle

    • Differentiate WLAN architectures
    • Describe the stages of the WLAN life cycle


    9. Getting Started with Mist

    • Examine the Mist architecture
    • Create a Mist account
    • Summarize Mist subscriptions


    Lab 2: Initial Setup


    DAY 2

    10. Mist Configuration Objects

    • Explain the difference between organization-level and site-level configuration objects
    • Define Mist configuration objects and their uses
    • Summarize the MSP dashboard


    Lab 3: Remote Site and Site Groups and Variables


    11. Juniper Access Points

    • Summarize access points and connectivity
    • Describe the boot procedure for a Juniper AP, its requirements, and the process of adding a Juniper AP to the Mist cloud
    • Describe common AP configuration settings
    • Use the Mist AP dashboard to get information about an AP


    12. WLANs

    • Define a BSS, ESS, and SSIDs and their functions
    • Review additional WLAN configuration options
    • Explain WLAN security options and how they are configured in a Mist WLAN configuration object
    • Describe data rates and how they are configured in Mist


    13. Mist Edge

    • Define the features and benefits
    • Identify popular use cases
    • Categorize the product options
    • Summarize the installation
    • Review the Edge management
    • Troubleshoot the device and connectivity


    DAY 3

    14. Guest Portals

    • Describe the Mist guest options


    15. Mist WXLAN Policies

    • Explain WLAN policies and how they are configured


    Lab 4: WLANs and WXLAN


    16. Mist Wi-Fi Security

    • Describe WLAN security threats detected by the Mist WLAN system


    17. Mist Service-Level Expectations

    • List Wi-Fi Assurance SLEs and their classifiers


    18. Mist Events and Insights

    • Describe site, AP, and client events
    • Explain the packet capture functionality of the Mist system
    • Describe the 802.11 MAC header and list 802.11 MAC frame types


    Lab 5: SLE Troubleshooting


    19. Mist Radio Resource Management

    • Describe the Mist RRM operations and their purposes


    DAY 4

    20. Mist Dashboard and Reports

    • Evaluate customer dashboard and report options21 Mist Artificial Intelligence and Troubleshooting Options
    • Assess Mist’s application of artificial intelligence
    • Review troubleshooting options; reactive and proactive


    21. Mist Artificial Intelligence and Troubleshooting Options

    • Assess Mist’s application of artificial intelligence
    • Review troubleshooting options; reactive and proactive


    22. Marvis Queries

    • Explain the difference between Marvis natural language and Marvis query language


    23. Marvis Actions

    • Describe the functions of Marvis actions


    Lab 6: Marvis


    24. Location-Based Services

    • Review Wi-Fi components for location services 25 User Engagement and Contact Tracing
    • Examine Mist’s proximity tracing capabilities


    25. User Engagement and Proximity Tracing

    • Examine Mist’s proximity tracing capabilities

    Individuals working with enterprise wireless networks and applying artificial intelligence to their activities

    • Basic TCP/IP skills
    • General networking
    • Basic knowledge of wireless technologies (Wi-Fi) is recommended
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