
Insoft Services er en av få opplæringsleverandører i EMEAR som tilbyr hele spekteret av Cisco-sertifisering og spesialisert teknologiopplæring.

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Cisco Sertifisering

Opplev en blandet læringstilnærming som kombinerer det beste av instruktørledet opplæring og e-læring i eget tempo for å hjelpe deg med å forberede deg til sertifiseringseksamen.

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Cisco Learning Credits

Cisco Learning Credits (CLC) er forhåndsbetalte opplæringskuponger innløst direkte med Cisco som gjør planleggingen for suksessen din enklere når du kjøper Cisco-produkter og -tjenester.

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Cisco Continuing Education Program tilbyr alle aktive sertifiseringsinnehavere fleksible alternativer for å resertifisere ved å fullføre en rekke kvalifiserte opplæringselementer.

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Cisco Digital Learning

Sertifiserte ansatte er verdsatte eiendeler. Utforsk Ciscos offisielle digitale læringsbibliotek for å utdanne deg gjennom innspilte økter.

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Cisco Business Enablement

Cisco Business Enablement Partner Program fokuserer på å skjerpe forretningsferdighetene til Cisco Channel Partners og kunder.

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Cisco opplæringskatalog

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Fortinet Sertifisering

Fortinet Network Security Expert (NSE)-programmet er et opplærings- og sertifiseringsprogram på åtte nivåer for å lære ingeniører om nettverkssikkerheten for Fortinet FW-ferdigheter og -erfaring.

Tekniske kurs


Insoft er anerkjent som Fortinet Autorisert Opplæringssenter på utvalgte steder i EMEA.

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Fortinet opplæringskatalog

Utforsk et bredt utvalg av Fortinet Schedule på tvers av forskjellige land så vel som online kurs.

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Sjekk atc-statusen vår på tvers av utvalgte land i Europa.

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Pakker for Fortinet-tjenester

Insoft Services har utviklet en spesifikk løsning for å effektivisere og forenkle prosessen med å installere eller migrere til Fortinet-produkter.

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Insoft Services gir Microsoft opplæring i EMEAR. Vi tilbyr Microsofts tekniske opplærings- og sertifiseringskurs som ledes av instruktører i verdensklasse.

Tekniske kurs


Lær eksepsjonell kunnskap og ferdigheter i ekstreme nettverk.

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Teknisk sertifisering

Vi tilbyr omfattende læreplan over tekniske kompetanseferdigheter om sertifiseringsprestasjonen.

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Extreme opplæringskatalog

Tekniske kurs


Som autorisert opplæringspartner (ATP) sørger Insoft Services for at du får de høyeste utdanningsstandardene som er tilgjengelige.

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Løsninger og tjenester

Vi tilbyr innovativ og avansert støtte for design, implementering og optimalisering av IT-løsninger. Vår kundebase inkluderer noen av de største Telcos globalt.

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Globalt anerkjent team av sertifiserte eksperter hjelper deg med å gjøre en jevnere overgang med våre forhåndsdefinerte konsulent-, installasjons- og migrasjonspakker for et bredt spekter av Fortinet-produkter.

Om oss

Insoft Tilbyr autoriserte opplærings- og konsulenttjenester for utvalgte IP-leverandører. Finn ut hvordan vi revolusjonerer bransjen.

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  • +47 23 96 21 03
  • BIDSP - Introduction to Business Intelligence: Designing a Successful BI Programme

    3 Dager
    (Online Og På stedet)
    Pris på forespørsel
    In this BI training course, BIDSP - Introduction to Business Intelligence: Designing a Successful BI Programme, you will learn how to effectively implement a Business Intelligence (BI) programme. In this course, you will also learn how to analyse BI results for better business decisions and increased success in achieving goals. This BI training programme will teach you how to identify the maturity level of your BI solution, and articulate critical elements of your solution to maximise your organisations business opportunities.  
    • Apply the BI Meta Model (BIMM) to turn desired outcomes into actions
    • Choose between a strategic and a tactical application of BI
    • Map operational data to a data warehouse
    • Design a BI solution for a business problem

    Defining Business Intelligence (BI)

    • Mapping the business intelligence process
    • Making the business case for BI
    • Identifying the barriers to BI implementation
    • New BI terminology
    • Six challenges of BI

    Building a BI Road Map

    • Evaluating business readiness for BI
    • Assessing BI maturity levels
    • Business analysis and the BI road map
    • Stating the desired outcome for a given situation
    • Overcoming common BI challenges

    Reviewing the technical infrastructure

    • Enabling and facilitating technologies for BI
    • Structured vs. unstructured data
    • Identifying critical and variable attributes

    Establishing a data governance framework

    • Aligning with management standards and strategy
    • Protecting your data
    • Measuring data quality
    • Integrating enterprise architecture and BI

    Designing and Planning BI Processes

    • Building your BI strategy
    • Investigating the business advantages of strategic vs. tactical organisational situation
    • Starting BI with outcome-driven processes
    • Articulating well-formed outcomes

    Iterating the BI metamodel

    • Realising the desired outcome from a specific organisational situation
    • Targeting the process to achieve the desired outcome
    • Deriving actions and decisions from the desired outcome

    Dealing with data

    • Top-down vs. Bottom-up data analysis
    • Establishing a measure of data quality
    • Designing standardised business metadata

    Developing the data warehouse

    • Selecting source data
    • OLAP vs. OLTP
    • Extracting data from multiple sources
    • Loading data into a data warehouse

    Modelling the dimensional business process

    • Browsing your data and creating the appropriate schema
    • Navigating facts and dimensions
    • Selecting dimensions and traversing hierarchies

    Organising a Business Intelligence Competency Centre (BICC)

    • Meeting the six challenges of BI with the BICC
    • Supporting stakeholders
    • Sustaining business strategy
    • Sharing knowledge throughout the organisation

    Building the BICC

    • Promoting expertise within your organisation
    • Producing a BICC functional checklist
    • Clarifying the roles of the BICC
    • Organising the BICC

    Implementing and Fine-Tuning the BI Solution

    • Evaluating BI tools
    • Selecting criteria for BI tools
    • Slicing and dicing your data using multidimensional cubes
    • Examining the characteristics of a data mine
    • Reviewing data-mining tools

    Surveying BI vendors

    • Ability to deliver
    • Product completeness

    Leveraging performance measurement tools

    • Displaying information using digital dashboards
    • Defining effective key performance indicators (KPIs)
    • Communicating to stakeholders through scorecards

    Putting BI to Work for You

    • Applying the BI process across the organisation
    • Blending the BI process into daily management activities
    • Making predictive analytics work for your bottom line
    In this BI training course, BIDSP - Introduction to Business Intelligence: Designing a Successful BI Programme, you will learn how to effectively implement a Business Intelligence (BI) programme. In this course, you will also learn how to analyse BI results for better business decisions and increased success in achieving goals. This BI training programme will teach you how to identify the maturity level of your BI solution, and articulate critical elements of your solution to maximise your organisations business opportunities.  
    • Apply the BI Meta Model (BIMM) to turn desired outcomes into actions
    • Choose between a strategic and a tactical application of BI
    • Map operational data to a data warehouse
    • Design a BI solution for a business problem

    Defining Business Intelligence (BI)

    • Mapping the business intelligence process
    • Making the business case for BI
    • Identifying the barriers to BI implementation
    • New BI terminology
    • Six challenges of BI

    Building a BI Road Map

    • Evaluating business readiness for BI
    • Assessing BI maturity levels
    • Business analysis and the BI road map
    • Stating the desired outcome for a given situation
    • Overcoming common BI challenges

    Reviewing the technical infrastructure

    • Enabling and facilitating technologies for BI
    • Structured vs. unstructured data
    • Identifying critical and variable attributes

    Establishing a data governance framework

    • Aligning with management standards and strategy
    • Protecting your data
    • Measuring data quality
    • Integrating enterprise architecture and BI

    Designing and Planning BI Processes

    • Building your BI strategy
    • Investigating the business advantages of strategic vs. tactical organisational situation
    • Starting BI with outcome-driven processes
    • Articulating well-formed outcomes

    Iterating the BI metamodel

    • Realising the desired outcome from a specific organisational situation
    • Targeting the process to achieve the desired outcome
    • Deriving actions and decisions from the desired outcome

    Dealing with data

    • Top-down vs. Bottom-up data analysis
    • Establishing a measure of data quality
    • Designing standardised business metadata

    Developing the data warehouse

    • Selecting source data
    • OLAP vs. OLTP
    • Extracting data from multiple sources
    • Loading data into a data warehouse

    Modelling the dimensional business process

    • Browsing your data and creating the appropriate schema
    • Navigating facts and dimensions
    • Selecting dimensions and traversing hierarchies

    Organising a Business Intelligence Competency Centre (BICC)

    • Meeting the six challenges of BI with the BICC
    • Supporting stakeholders
    • Sustaining business strategy
    • Sharing knowledge throughout the organisation

    Building the BICC

    • Promoting expertise within your organisation
    • Producing a BICC functional checklist
    • Clarifying the roles of the BICC
    • Organising the BICC

    Implementing and Fine-Tuning the BI Solution

    • Evaluating BI tools
    • Selecting criteria for BI tools
    • Slicing and dicing your data using multidimensional cubes
    • Examining the characteristics of a data mine
    • Reviewing data-mining tools

    Surveying BI vendors

    • Ability to deliver
    • Product completeness

    Leveraging performance measurement tools

    • Displaying information using digital dashboards
    • Defining effective key performance indicators (KPIs)
    • Communicating to stakeholders through scorecards

    Putting BI to Work for You

    • Applying the BI process across the organisation
    • Blending the BI process into daily management activities
    • Making predictive analytics work for your bottom line
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    Follow Up Courses

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