
Insoft Services ist einer der wenigen Schulungsanbieter in EMEAR, der ein umfassendes Angebot an Cisco-Zertifizierungen und spezialisierten Technologieschulungen anbietet.

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Cisco Zertifizierungen

Erleben Sie einen Blended-Learning-Ansatz, der das Beste aus von Lehrern geleiteten Schulungen und E-Learning zum Selbststudium kombiniert, um sich auf Ihre Zertifizierungsprüfung vorzubereiten.

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Cisco Learning Credits

Cisco Learning Credits (CLCs) sind Prepaid-Schulungsgutscheine, die direkt bei Cisco eingelöst werden und die Planung für Ihren Erfolg beim Kauf von Cisco-Produkten und -Services erleichtern.

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Cisco Continuing Education

Das Cisco Continuing Education Program bietet allen aktiven Zertifizierungsinhabern flexible Optionen zur Rezertifizierung, indem sie eine Vielzahl von in Frage kommenden Schulungselementen absolvieren.

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Cisco Digital Learning

Zertifizierte Mitarbeiter sind GESCHÄTZTE Vermögenswerte. Erkunden Sie die offizielle Digital Learning Library von Cisco, um sich durch aufgezeichnete Sitzungen weiterzubilden.


Cisco Business Enablement

Das Cisco Business Enablement Partner Program konzentriert sich auf die Verbesserung der Geschäftsfähigkeiten von Cisco Channel Partnern und Kunden.

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Cisco Schulungskatalog

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Technische Zertifizierung

Das Fortinet Network Security Expert (NSE) -Programm ist ein achtstufiges Schulungs- und Zertifizierungsprogramm, um Ingenieuren ihre Netzwerksicherheit für Fortinet FW-Fähigkeiten und -Erfahrungen beizubringen.

Technische Kurse


Insoft ist als Fortinet Authorized Training Center an ausgewählten Standorten in EMEA anerkannt.

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Fortinet Schulungskatalog

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ATC Status

Überprüfen Sie unseren ATC-Status in ausgewählten Ländern in Europa.

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Fortinet Service-Pakete

Insoft Services hat eine spezielle Lösung entwickelt, um den Prozess der Installation oder Migration zu Fortinet-Produkten zu rationalisieren und zu vereinfachen.

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Insoft Services bietet Microsoft-Schulungen in EMEAR an. Wir bieten technische Schulungen und Zertifizierungskurse von Microsoft an, die von erstklassigen Instruktoren geleitet werden.

Technische Kurse


Erfahren Sie außergewöhnliche Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten von Extreme Networks.

Technische Kurse

Technische Zertifizierung

Wir bieten einen umfassenden Lehrplan für technische Kompetenzen zur Zertifizierung an.

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Extreme Schulungskatalog

Hier finden Sie alle Extreme Networks online und den von Lehrern geleiteten Kalender für den Klassenraum.

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Als autorisierter Schulungspartner (ATP) stellt Insoft Services sicher, dass Sie die höchsten verfügbaren Bildungsstandards erhalten.

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Lösungen & Dienstleistungen

Wir bieten innovative und fortschrittliche Unterstützung bei der Konzeption, Implementierung und Optimierung von IT-Lösungen. Unsere Kundenbasis umfasst einige der größten Telcos weltweit.


Ein weltweit anerkanntes Team von zertifizierten Experten unterstützt Sie bei einem reibungsloseren Übergang mit unseren vordefinierten Beratungs-, Installations- und Migrationspaketen für eine breite Palette von Fortinet-Produkten.

Über uns

Insoft bietet autorisierte Schulungs- und Beratungsdienstleistungen für ausgewählte IP-Anbieter. Erfahren Sie, wie wir die Branche revolutionieren.

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  • +49 6151 277 6496
  • Network Automation with Python and Ansible

    5 Tage
    (Online Und Vor Ort)
    Preis auf Anfrage
    This course teaches students to blend Python skillsets with Ansible through the lens of automating networks. Automation techniques for the most popular vendor (incl. Cisco, Juniper, Arista) will be subjects of study, however, students may request examples from vendors within their own environments. Topics begin with a focus on automating networks with Python; this skill set is then folded into a broadening understanding of automating with Ansible. Students will have programmatic experience automating enterprise class networks by the conclusion of this course (includes writing custom Ansible modules with Python). Class is a combination of lecture, demonstration, and hands-on labs. Students are invited to share their own relevant Python and Ansible scripts with the instructor to ensure class subjects are as relevant as possible. All notes and scripts will be made available to students by the end of each day via a cloud-share or email. Lab time will be given reinforce that days topics and demonstrations. Class is appropriate for those interested in automation, specifically network automation, and those looking to marry a Python and Ansible skillset.

    Critical Python Catch Up & Review

    • Overview of Python and Ansible
    • Python whitespace rules & best practices
    • Conditional expressions
    • Relational and Boolean operators
    • Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries
    • Indexing and slicing
    • Built-in functions
    • Writing custom functions
    • Getting at methods
    • Iterating with Loops (for and while)
    • Working with files
    • Software Control Management (SCM) (Git, Github, Bitbucket, Cloudshare, etc.)
    • Getting at RESTful interfaces with Python
    • Working with JSON
    • Python, Ansible and Paramiko
    • Using Paramiko to SSH with keys and passwords


    Python and Network Automation

    • RESTful API review
    • API keys
    • Paramiko Review
    • Using Paramiko to SFTP with keys and passwords
    • Introduction to Netmiko (automating routers and switches)
    • Using Netmiko to send commands to / from network devices
    • Working with YAML
    • Converting JSON to YAML with Python


    Critical Ansible Catchup & Review

    • Ansible keywords
    • YAML and JSON for data exchange
    • Ansible and YAML
    • Ansible Playbook components
    • Tying together Python and Ansible “ Using Python within Ansible
    • Ansible Network Modules
    • What is new in Ansible (most current updates / release notes)
    • Network Agnostic modules
    • Writing network playbooks
    • Reviewing the construction of network playbooks
    • Writing Ansible playbooks that respond to network failures


    Blending Python and Ansible Skillsets

    • Review how to use Python within Ansible
    • Calling Python scripts with Ansible
    • Jinja2 Templating Engine for Python (and Ansible)
    • Using Templates in Ansible playbooks
    • Jinja2 filters, looping, and other useful tricks for automating with Ansible
    • Playbook tagging for selective runs
    • When to use Python and when to use Ansible
    • Big Picture options for using Python & Ansible within your Network
    • Ansible Roles


    Customizing Ansible with Python

    • Review “ Running Scripts with Ansible
    • Prompting for Ansible user input
    • Ansible Galaxy & Getting at Roles
    • Writing a custom Ansible Module with Python
    • Ansible Engine vs Ansible Tower “ marketing hype, capabilities, costs, etc.
    • Case Study: Automate your Enterprise Network
    • When to use Python and when to use Ansible
    • Writing your own Ansible modules in Python
    • Big Picture options for using Python & Ansible within your Network
    • Overview - NETCONF / YANG and what they mean for Python and Ansible
    • Molecule “ Testing your roles


    Lab Outline

    • 1. Using vim
    • 2. Using & Installing Python
    • 3. Making a Github account
    • 4. Data within mixed lists
    • 5. Understanding More about Lists
    • 6. Python Dictionaries
    • 7. Getting dir(obj) help() and pydoc
    • 8. Copying Files and Folders
    • 9. Moving and Renaming Files and Folders
    • 10. IPv4 Testing with if
    • 11. Paramiko - SSH with RSA Keys
    • 12. Paramiko - SFTP with UN and PW
    • 13. Space APIs the Final Frontier
    • 14. More APIs - Final Frontier is Vast
    • 15. Interaction with APIs - NASA 01
    • 16. Interaction with APIs - NASA 02
    • 17. Install GNS3
    • 18. Setup for GNS networking
    • 19. Configure the Switches
    • 20. Running Netmiko
    • 21. Running your first Playbook
    • 22. Debug Module
    • 23. Playbook Prompts
    • 24. register and when
    • 25. EOS Get Config and Archive
    • 26. Agnostic Network Modules
    • 27. Network Playbook Error Handling
    • 28. Network Playbook Precheck
    • 29. Network Playbooks with Roles and Rollbacks
    • 30. Securing Playbooks with Vault
    • 31. Network Playbooks, Set Fact, and Fail
    • 32. Debug, Loops, and YAML Lists
    • 33. Running a script with Ansible
    • 34. Jinja Filters
    • 35. Ansible, Python Methods, and Jinja Filters
    • 36. Ansible and APIs
    • 37. Python and Ansible
    • 38. Writing an Ansible Module with Python
    • 39. AWX Tower
    • 40. Molecule “ Testing Roles
    • Network Administrators
    • Administrators interested in Automation
    • Individuals interested in devops, specifically for networking
    This course teaches students to blend Python skillsets with Ansible through the lens of automating networks. Automation techniques for the most popular vendor (incl. Cisco, Juniper, Arista) will be subjects of study, however, students may request examples from vendors within their own environments. Topics begin with a focus on automating networks with Python; this skill set is then folded into a broadening understanding of automating with Ansible. Students will have programmatic experience automating enterprise class networks by the conclusion of this course (includes writing custom Ansible modules with Python). Class is a combination of lecture, demonstration, and hands-on labs. Students are invited to share their own relevant Python and Ansible scripts with the instructor to ensure class subjects are as relevant as possible. All notes and scripts will be made available to students by the end of each day via a cloud-share or email. Lab time will be given reinforce that days topics and demonstrations. Class is appropriate for those interested in automation, specifically network automation, and those looking to marry a Python and Ansible skillset.

    Critical Python Catch Up & Review

    • Overview of Python and Ansible
    • Python whitespace rules & best practices
    • Conditional expressions
    • Relational and Boolean operators
    • Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries
    • Indexing and slicing
    • Built-in functions
    • Writing custom functions
    • Getting at methods
    • Iterating with Loops (for and while)
    • Working with files
    • Software Control Management (SCM) (Git, Github, Bitbucket, Cloudshare, etc.)
    • Getting at RESTful interfaces with Python
    • Working with JSON
    • Python, Ansible and Paramiko
    • Using Paramiko to SSH with keys and passwords


    Python and Network Automation

    • RESTful API review
    • API keys
    • Paramiko Review
    • Using Paramiko to SFTP with keys and passwords
    • Introduction to Netmiko (automating routers and switches)
    • Using Netmiko to send commands to / from network devices
    • Working with YAML
    • Converting JSON to YAML with Python


    Critical Ansible Catchup & Review

    • Ansible keywords
    • YAML and JSON for data exchange
    • Ansible and YAML
    • Ansible Playbook components
    • Tying together Python and Ansible “ Using Python within Ansible
    • Ansible Network Modules
    • What is new in Ansible (most current updates / release notes)
    • Network Agnostic modules
    • Writing network playbooks
    • Reviewing the construction of network playbooks
    • Writing Ansible playbooks that respond to network failures


    Blending Python and Ansible Skillsets

    • Review how to use Python within Ansible
    • Calling Python scripts with Ansible
    • Jinja2 Templating Engine for Python (and Ansible)
    • Using Templates in Ansible playbooks
    • Jinja2 filters, looping, and other useful tricks for automating with Ansible
    • Playbook tagging for selective runs
    • When to use Python and when to use Ansible
    • Big Picture options for using Python & Ansible within your Network
    • Ansible Roles


    Customizing Ansible with Python

    • Review “ Running Scripts with Ansible
    • Prompting for Ansible user input
    • Ansible Galaxy & Getting at Roles
    • Writing a custom Ansible Module with Python
    • Ansible Engine vs Ansible Tower “ marketing hype, capabilities, costs, etc.
    • Case Study: Automate your Enterprise Network
    • When to use Python and when to use Ansible
    • Writing your own Ansible modules in Python
    • Big Picture options for using Python & Ansible within your Network
    • Overview - NETCONF / YANG and what they mean for Python and Ansible
    • Molecule “ Testing your roles


    Lab Outline

    • 1. Using vim
    • 2. Using & Installing Python
    • 3. Making a Github account
    • 4. Data within mixed lists
    • 5. Understanding More about Lists
    • 6. Python Dictionaries
    • 7. Getting dir(obj) help() and pydoc
    • 8. Copying Files and Folders
    • 9. Moving and Renaming Files and Folders
    • 10. IPv4 Testing with if
    • 11. Paramiko - SSH with RSA Keys
    • 12. Paramiko - SFTP with UN and PW
    • 13. Space APIs the Final Frontier
    • 14. More APIs - Final Frontier is Vast
    • 15. Interaction with APIs - NASA 01
    • 16. Interaction with APIs - NASA 02
    • 17. Install GNS3
    • 18. Setup for GNS networking
    • 19. Configure the Switches
    • 20. Running Netmiko
    • 21. Running your first Playbook
    • 22. Debug Module
    • 23. Playbook Prompts
    • 24. register and when
    • 25. EOS Get Config and Archive
    • 26. Agnostic Network Modules
    • 27. Network Playbook Error Handling
    • 28. Network Playbook Precheck
    • 29. Network Playbooks with Roles and Rollbacks
    • 30. Securing Playbooks with Vault
    • 31. Network Playbooks, Set Fact, and Fail
    • 32. Debug, Loops, and YAML Lists
    • 33. Running a script with Ansible
    • 34. Jinja Filters
    • 35. Ansible, Python Methods, and Jinja Filters
    • 36. Ansible and APIs
    • 37. Python and Ansible
    • 38. Writing an Ansible Module with Python
    • 39. AWX Tower
    • 40. Molecule “ Testing Roles
    • Network Administrators
    • Administrators interested in Automation
    • Individuals interested in devops, specifically for networking
      Datum auf Anfrage

    Follow Up Courses

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