Cisco træning

Insoft Services er en af de få uddannelsesudbydere i EMEAR, der tilbyder hele spektret af Cisco-certificering og specialiseret teknologiuddannelse.

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Oplev en blandet læringsmetode, der kombinerer det bedste fra instruktørstyret træning og e-læring i eget tempo for at hjælpe dig med at forberede dig til din certificeringseksamen.

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Cisco Learning Credits

Cisco Learning Credits (CLCs) er forudbetalte træningskuponer, der indløses direkte med Cisco, og som gør det nemmere at planlægge din succes, når du køber Cisco-produkter og -tjenester.

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Cisco Efteruddannelse

Cisco Continuing Education Program tilbyder alle aktive certificeringsindehavere fleksible muligheder for at gencertificere ved at gennemføre en række kvalificerede træningselementer.

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Cisco Digital Learning

Certificerede medarbejdere er VÆRDSATTE aktiver. Udforsk Ciscos officielle digitale læringsbibliotek for at uddanne dig selv gennem optagede sessioner.

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Cisco Business Enablement

Cisco Business Enablement Partner Program fokuserer på at skærpe Cisco Channel Partners og kunders forretningsmæssige færdigheder.

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Cisco kursuskatalog

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Fortinet Network Security Expert (NSE) -programmet er et otte-niveau uddannelses- og certificeringsprogram for at undervise ingeniører i deres netværkssikkerhed for Fortinet FW-færdigheder og erfaring.

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Fortinet træning

Insoft er anerkendt som Autoriseret Fortinet Training Center på udvalgte steder på tværs af EMEA.

Tekniske kurser

Fortinet kursuskatalog

Udforsk hele Fortinet-træningskataloget. Programmet omfatter en bred vifte af selvstændige og instruktørledede kurser.

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Tjek vores ATC-status på tværs af udvalgte lande i Europa.

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Fortinet Professionelle Services

Globalt anerkendte team af certificerede eksperter hjælper dig med at gøre en mere jævn overgang med vores foruddefinerede konsulent-, installations- og migreringspakker til en lang række Fortinet-produkter.

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Microsoft træning

Insoft Services tilbyder Microsoft-undervisning i EMEAR. Vi tilbyder Microsoft tekniske kurser og certificeringskurser, der ledes af instruktører i verdensklasse.

Tekniske kurser

Extreme træning

Find all the Extreme Networks online and instructor led class room based calendar here.

Tekniske kurser

Tekniske certificeringer

Vi leverer omfattende læseplan for tekniske kompetencefærdigheder på certificeringspræstationen.

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Extreme kursuskatalog

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Som autoriseret uddannelsespartner (ATP) sikrer Insoft Services, at du får de højeste uddannelsesstandarder, der findes.

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Løsninger og tjenester

Vi leverer innovativ og avanceret support til design, implementering og optimering af IT-løsninger. Vores kundebase omfatter nogle af de største Telcos globalt.

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Globalt anerkendte team af certificerede eksperter hjælper dig med at gøre en mere jævn overgang med vores foruddefinerede konsulent-, installations- og migreringspakker til en lang række Fortinet-produkter.

Om os

Insoft tilbyder autoriseret uddannelses- og konsulentbistand til udvalgte IP-leverandører. Få mere at vide om, hvordan vi revolutionerer branchen.

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  • +45 32 70 99 90
  • SECCLD v1.0 - Securing Cloud Deployments with Cisco Technologies

    4 Dage
    (Online Og På stedet)
    Pris på forespørgsel

    40 excl. VAT

    The Securing Cloud Deployments with Cisco Technologies (SECCLD) v1.0 course shows you how to implement Cisco Cloud Security solutions to secure access to the cloud, workloads in the cloud, and software as a service (SaaS) user accounts, applications, and data. Through expert instruction and hands-on labs, you will learn a comprehensive set of skills and technologies including:

    • How to use key Cisco cloud security solutions;
    • Detect suspicious traffic flows, policy violations, and compromised devices;
    • Implement security controls for cloud environments;
    • Implement cloud security management.


    This course covers usage of Cisco Cloudlock, Cisco Umbrella, Cisco Cloud Email Security, Cisco Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) for Endpoints, Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud and Enterprise, Cisco Firepower NGFW (next-generation firewall), and more.

    After taking Securing Cloud Deployments with Cisco Technologies (SECCLD) v1.0 course, you should be able to:

    • Contrast the various cloud service and deployment models
    • Implement the Cisco Security Solution for SaaS using Cisco Cloudlock Micro Services
    • Deploy cloud security solutions using Cisco AMP for Endpoints, Cisco Umbrella, and Cisco Cloud Email Security
    • Define Cisco cloud security solutions for protection and visibility using Cisco virtual appliances and Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud
    • Describe the network as a sensor and enforcer using Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE), Cisco Stealthwatch Enterprise, and Cisco TrustSec
    • Implement Cisco Firepower NGFW Virtual (NGFWv) and Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud to provide protection and visibility in AWS environments
    • Explain how to protect the cloud management infrastructure by using specific examples, defined best practices, and AWS reporting capabilities

    Introducing the Cloud and Cloud Security

    • Describe the Evolution of Cloud Computing
    • Explain the Cloud Service Models
    • Explore the Security Responsibilities Within the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Service Model
    • Explore the Security Responsibilities Within the Platform as a Service (PaaS) Service Model
    • Explore the Security Responsibilities Within the SaaS Service Model
    • Describe Cloud Deployment Models
    • Describe Cloud Security Basics

    Implementing the CiscSecurity Solution for SaaS Access Control

    • Explore Security Challenges for Customers Using SaaS
    • Describe User and Entity Behavior Analytics, Data Loss Prevention (DLP), and Apps Firewall
    • Describe Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)
    • Describe CiscCloudLock as the CASB
    • Describe OAuth and OAuth Attacks

    Deploying CiscCloud-Based Security Solutions for Endpoints and Content Security

    • Describe CiscCloud Security Solutions for Endpoints
    • Describe AMP for Endpoints Architecture
    • Describe CiscUmbrella
    • Describe CiscCloud Email Security
    • Design Comprehensive Endpoint Security

    Introducing CiscSecurity Solutions for Cloud Protection and Visibility

    • Describe Network Function Virtualization (NFV)
    • Describe CiscSecure Architectures for Enterprises (CiscSAFE)
    • Describe CiscNGFWv/CiscFirepower Management Center Virtual (FMCv)/CiscAMP for Networks
    • Describe CiscASAv
    • Describe CiscServices Router 1000V (CSR1Kv)
    • Describe CiscStealthwatch Cloud
    • Describe CiscTetration Cloud Zero-Trust Model

    Describing the Network as the Sensor and Enforcer

    • Describe CiscStealthwatch Enterprise
    • Describe CiscISE Functions and Personas
    • Describe CiscTrustSec
    • Describe CiscStealthwatch and CiscISE Integration
    • Describe CiscEncrypted Traffic Analytics (ETA)

    Implementing CiscSecurity Solutions in AWS

    • Explain AWS Security Offerings
    • Describe AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
    • Discover CiscSecurity Solutions in AWS
    • Explain CiscStealthwatch Cloud in AWS

    Describing Cloud Security Management

    • Describe Cloud Management and APIs
    • Explain API Protection
    • Illustrate an API Example: Integrate tISE Using pxGrid
    • Identify SecDevOps Best Practices
    • Illustrate a CiscCloud Security Management Tool Example: CiscDefense Orchestrator
    • Illustrate a CiscCloud Security Management Tool Example: CiscCloudCenter
    • Describe CiscApplication Centric Infrastructure (ACI)
    • Describe AWS Reporting Tools

    SECCLD course is open to engineers, administrators, and security-minded users of public, private, and hybrid cloud infrastructures responsible for implementing security in cloud environments:

    • Security architects
    • Cloud architects
    • Security engineers
    • Cloud engineers
    • System engineers
    • Cisco integrators and partners

    To fully benefit from SECCLD course, you should have completed the following course or obtained the equivalent knowledge and skills:

    • Knowledge of cloud computing and virtualization software basics
    • Ability to perform basic UNIX-like OS commands
    • Cisco CCNP security knowledge or understanding of the following topic areas:
    1. Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) and Adaptive Security Virtual Appliance (ASAv) deployment
    2. Cisco IOS Flexible NetFlow operations
      Available in this course: Implementing Cisco Edge Network Security Solutions (SENSS)
    3. Cisco NGFW (Cisco Firepower Threat Defense [FTD]), Cisco Firepower, and Cisco Firepower Management Center (FMC) deployment
    4. Cisco Content Security operations including Cisco Web Security Appliance (WSA)/ Cisco Email Security Appliance (ESA)/ Cisco Cloud Web Security (CWS)
    5. Cisco AMP for network and endpoints deployment
      Available in this course: Implementing Cisco Threat Control Solutions (SITCS)
    6. Cisco ISE operations and Cisco TrustSec architecture
      Available in this course: Implementing Cisco Secure Access Solutions (SISAS)
    7. VPN operation
      Available in this course: Implementing Cisco Secure Mobility Solutions (SIMOS)

    The Securing Cloud Deployments with Cisco Technologies (SECCLD) v1.0 course shows you how to implement Cisco Cloud Security solutions to secure access to the cloud, workloads in the cloud, and software as a service (SaaS) user accounts, applications, and data. Through expert instruction and hands-on labs, you will learn a comprehensive set of skills and technologies including:

    • How to use key Cisco cloud security solutions;
    • Detect suspicious traffic flows, policy violations, and compromised devices;
    • Implement security controls for cloud environments;
    • Implement cloud security management.


    This course covers usage of Cisco Cloudlock, Cisco Umbrella, Cisco Cloud Email Security, Cisco Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) for Endpoints, Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud and Enterprise, Cisco Firepower NGFW (next-generation firewall), and more.

    After taking Securing Cloud Deployments with Cisco Technologies (SECCLD) v1.0 course, you should be able to:

    • Contrast the various cloud service and deployment models
    • Implement the Cisco Security Solution for SaaS using Cisco Cloudlock Micro Services
    • Deploy cloud security solutions using Cisco AMP for Endpoints, Cisco Umbrella, and Cisco Cloud Email Security
    • Define Cisco cloud security solutions for protection and visibility using Cisco virtual appliances and Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud
    • Describe the network as a sensor and enforcer using Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE), Cisco Stealthwatch Enterprise, and Cisco TrustSec
    • Implement Cisco Firepower NGFW Virtual (NGFWv) and Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud to provide protection and visibility in AWS environments
    • Explain how to protect the cloud management infrastructure by using specific examples, defined best practices, and AWS reporting capabilities

    Introducing the Cloud and Cloud Security

    • Describe the Evolution of Cloud Computing
    • Explain the Cloud Service Models
    • Explore the Security Responsibilities Within the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Service Model
    • Explore the Security Responsibilities Within the Platform as a Service (PaaS) Service Model
    • Explore the Security Responsibilities Within the SaaS Service Model
    • Describe Cloud Deployment Models
    • Describe Cloud Security Basics

    Implementing the CiscSecurity Solution for SaaS Access Control

    • Explore Security Challenges for Customers Using SaaS
    • Describe User and Entity Behavior Analytics, Data Loss Prevention (DLP), and Apps Firewall
    • Describe Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)
    • Describe CiscCloudLock as the CASB
    • Describe OAuth and OAuth Attacks

    Deploying CiscCloud-Based Security Solutions for Endpoints and Content Security

    • Describe CiscCloud Security Solutions for Endpoints
    • Describe AMP for Endpoints Architecture
    • Describe CiscUmbrella
    • Describe CiscCloud Email Security
    • Design Comprehensive Endpoint Security

    Introducing CiscSecurity Solutions for Cloud Protection and Visibility

    • Describe Network Function Virtualization (NFV)
    • Describe CiscSecure Architectures for Enterprises (CiscSAFE)
    • Describe CiscNGFWv/CiscFirepower Management Center Virtual (FMCv)/CiscAMP for Networks
    • Describe CiscASAv
    • Describe CiscServices Router 1000V (CSR1Kv)
    • Describe CiscStealthwatch Cloud
    • Describe CiscTetration Cloud Zero-Trust Model

    Describing the Network as the Sensor and Enforcer

    • Describe CiscStealthwatch Enterprise
    • Describe CiscISE Functions and Personas
    • Describe CiscTrustSec
    • Describe CiscStealthwatch and CiscISE Integration
    • Describe CiscEncrypted Traffic Analytics (ETA)

    Implementing CiscSecurity Solutions in AWS

    • Explain AWS Security Offerings
    • Describe AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
    • Discover CiscSecurity Solutions in AWS
    • Explain CiscStealthwatch Cloud in AWS

    Describing Cloud Security Management

    • Describe Cloud Management and APIs
    • Explain API Protection
    • Illustrate an API Example: Integrate tISE Using pxGrid
    • Identify SecDevOps Best Practices
    • Illustrate a CiscCloud Security Management Tool Example: CiscDefense Orchestrator
    • Illustrate a CiscCloud Security Management Tool Example: CiscCloudCenter
    • Describe CiscApplication Centric Infrastructure (ACI)
    • Describe AWS Reporting Tools

    SECCLD course is open to engineers, administrators, and security-minded users of public, private, and hybrid cloud infrastructures responsible for implementing security in cloud environments:

    • Security architects
    • Cloud architects
    • Security engineers
    • Cloud engineers
    • System engineers
    • Cisco integrators and partners

    To fully benefit from SECCLD course, you should have completed the following course or obtained the equivalent knowledge and skills:

    • Knowledge of cloud computing and virtualization software basics
    • Ability to perform basic UNIX-like OS commands
    • Cisco CCNP security knowledge or understanding of the following topic areas:
    1. Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) and Adaptive Security Virtual Appliance (ASAv) deployment
    2. Cisco IOS Flexible NetFlow operations
      Available in this course: Implementing Cisco Edge Network Security Solutions (SENSS)
    3. Cisco NGFW (Cisco Firepower Threat Defense [FTD]), Cisco Firepower, and Cisco Firepower Management Center (FMC) deployment
    4. Cisco Content Security operations including Cisco Web Security Appliance (WSA)/ Cisco Email Security Appliance (ESA)/ Cisco Cloud Web Security (CWS)
    5. Cisco AMP for network and endpoints deployment
      Available in this course: Implementing Cisco Threat Control Solutions (SITCS)
    6. Cisco ISE operations and Cisco TrustSec architecture
      Available in this course: Implementing Cisco Secure Access Solutions (SISAS)
    7. VPN operation
      Available in this course: Implementing Cisco Secure Mobility Solutions (SIMOS)
      Kommende datoer
    • ` 13 Jan - 16 Jan, 2025
    • ` 10 Feb - 13 Feb, 2025
    • ` 10 Mar - 13 Mar, 2025
    • ` 7 Apr - 10 Apr, 2025
    • ` 5 May - 8 May, 2025
    • ` 2 Jun - 5 Jun, 2025

    Follow Up Courses

    • 5 Dage

      20 Jan - 24 Jan, 2025

      17 Feb - 21 Feb, 2025

      17 Mar - 21 Mar, 2025

      14 Apr - 18 Apr, 2025

      12 May - 16 May, 2025

      9 Jun - 13 Jun, 2025

      Price on Request
      Book Now
    • 2 Dage

      20 Jan - 21 Jan, 2025

      17 Feb - 18 Feb, 2025

      17 Mar - 18 Mar, 2025

      14 Apr - 15 Apr, 2025

      12 May - 13 May, 2025

      9 Jun - 10 Jun, 2025

      Price on Request
      Book Now
    • 4 Dage

      6 Jan - 9 Jan, 2025

      3 Feb - 6 Feb, 2025

      3 Mar - 6 Mar, 2025

      31 Mar - 3 Apr, 2025

      28 Apr - 1 May, 2025

      26 May - 29 May, 2025

      Price on Request
      Book Now
    • 4 Dage

      20 Jan - 23 Jan, 2025

      17 Feb - 20 Feb, 2025

      17 Mar - 20 Mar, 2025

      14 Apr - 17 Apr, 2025

      12 May - 15 May, 2025

      9 Jun - 12 Jun, 2025

      Price on Request
      Book Now
    • 4 Dage

      20 Jan - 23 Jan, 2025

      17 Feb - 20 Feb, 2025

      17 Mar - 20 Mar, 2025

      14 Apr - 17 Apr, 2025

      12 May - 15 May, 2025

      9 Jun - 12 Jun, 2025

      Price on Request
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    • 3 Dage

      20 Jan - 22 Jan, 2025

      17 Feb - 19 Feb, 2025

      17 Mar - 19 Mar, 2025

      14 Apr - 16 Apr, 2025

      12 May - 14 May, 2025

      9 Jun - 11 Jun, 2025

      Price on Request
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    • 2 Dage

      20 Jan - 21 Jan, 2025

      17 Feb - 18 Feb, 2025

      17 Mar - 18 Mar, 2025

      14 Apr - 15 Apr, 2025

      12 May - 13 May, 2025

      9 Jun - 10 Jun, 2025

      Price on Request
      Book Now
    • 3 Dage

      27 Jan - 29 Jan, 2025

      24 Feb - 26 Feb, 2025

      24 Mar - 26 Mar, 2025

      21 Apr - 23 Apr, 2025

      19 May - 21 May, 2025

      Price on Request
      Book Now
    • 5 Dage

      13 Jan - 17 Jan, 2025

      10 Feb - 14 Feb, 2025

      10 Mar - 14 Mar, 2025

      7 Apr - 11 Apr, 2025

      5 May - 9 May, 2025

      2 Jun - 6 Jun, 2025

      Price on Request
      Book Now
    • 3 Dage

      6 Jan - 8 Jan, 2025

      3 Feb - 5 Feb, 2025

      3 Mar - 5 Mar, 2025

      31 Mar - 2 Apr, 2025

      28 Apr - 30 Apr, 2025

      26 May - 28 May, 2025

      Price on Request
      Book Now

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