
Insoft Services er en av få opplæringsleverandører i EMEAR som tilbyr hele spekteret av Cisco-sertifisering og spesialisert teknologiopplæring.

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Cisco Sertifisering

Opplev en blandet læringstilnærming som kombinerer det beste av instruktørledet opplæring og e-læring i eget tempo for å hjelpe deg med å forberede deg til sertifiseringseksamen.

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Cisco Learning Credits

Cisco Learning Credits (CLC) er forhåndsbetalte opplæringskuponger innløst direkte med Cisco som gjør planleggingen for suksessen din enklere når du kjøper Cisco-produkter og -tjenester.

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Cisco Continuing Education Program tilbyr alle aktive sertifiseringsinnehavere fleksible alternativer for å resertifisere ved å fullføre en rekke kvalifiserte opplæringselementer.

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Cisco Digital Learning

Sertifiserte ansatte er verdsatte eiendeler. Utforsk Ciscos offisielle digitale læringsbibliotek for å utdanne deg gjennom innspilte økter.

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Cisco Business Enablement

Cisco Business Enablement Partner Program fokuserer på å skjerpe forretningsferdighetene til Cisco Channel Partners og kunder.

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Cisco opplæringskatalog

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Fortinet Sertifisering

Fortinet Network Security Expert (NSE)-programmet er et opplærings- og sertifiseringsprogram på åtte nivåer for å lære ingeniører om nettverkssikkerheten for Fortinet FW-ferdigheter og -erfaring.

Tekniske kurs


Insoft er anerkjent som Fortinet Autorisert Opplæringssenter på utvalgte steder i EMEA.

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Fortinet opplæringskatalog

Utforsk et bredt utvalg av Fortinet Schedule på tvers av forskjellige land så vel som online kurs.

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Sjekk atc-statusen vår på tvers av utvalgte land i Europa.

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Pakker for Fortinet-tjenester

Insoft Services har utviklet en spesifikk løsning for å effektivisere og forenkle prosessen med å installere eller migrere til Fortinet-produkter.

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Insoft Services gir Microsoft opplæring i EMEAR. Vi tilbyr Microsofts tekniske opplærings- og sertifiseringskurs som ledes av instruktører i verdensklasse.

Tekniske kurs


Lær eksepsjonell kunnskap og ferdigheter i ekstreme nettverk.

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Teknisk sertifisering

Vi tilbyr omfattende læreplan over tekniske kompetanseferdigheter om sertifiseringsprestasjonen.

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Extreme opplæringskatalog

Tekniske kurs


Som autorisert opplæringspartner (ATP) sørger Insoft Services for at du får de høyeste utdanningsstandardene som er tilgjengelige.

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Løsninger og tjenester

Vi tilbyr innovativ og avansert støtte for design, implementering og optimalisering av IT-løsninger. Vår kundebase inkluderer noen av de største Telcos globalt.

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Globalt anerkjent team av sertifiserte eksperter hjelper deg med å gjøre en jevnere overgang med våre forhåndsdefinerte konsulent-, installasjons- og migrasjonspakker for et bredt spekter av Fortinet-produkter.

Om oss

Insoft Tilbyr autoriserte opplærings- og konsulenttjenester for utvalgte IP-leverandører. Finn ut hvordan vi revolusjonerer bransjen.

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  • +47 23 96 21 03
  • DevNet Certifications That Any Network Engineer Needs

    13th February, 2022

    In line with the recent industrial changes and digital business demands. The globally respected Cisco certification portfolio is now expanding to address existing and emerging job roles in the software space. The new DevNet certifications can now be used as a “mark of quality” to demonstrate proficiency in software development, automation, and developing integrations.

    The new certification exams are set to go live on February 2020 with a noble goal of accelerating the progress of network automation in organizations throughout the world by making sense of software and network engineering techniques to both developers and network professionals.



    Network engineers now have the opportunity to architect solutions that utilize the programmable network in new and exciting ways. DevOps practices can be applied to the network, making the network more agile, and enabling automation at scale.

    You can read more about how Cisco is Bringing Software Practices and Software Skills to Networking with Cisco Certifications and DevNet.

    Cisco DevNet Associate Certification

    This is the first level of DevNet certification, it could be equated to its infrastructure track counterpart; the Cisco Certified Network Associate certification (CCNA).

    This certification validates associate-level skill sets and core knowledge of Cisco platforms, working with applications and Cisco’s programmability strategy.



    The exam covers the following areas:

    • Understanding and Using APIs: These are a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications, it dictates how software components should interact and share information with each other. An API facilitates communication between a client and a server. The client would be an application such as a Python or web UI application and the server would be a network device or other Cisco platform.
    • Infrastructure and Automation: Infrastructure automation refers to the process of scripting environments; from installing an operating system to installing and configuring servers on instances, to configuring how the instances and software communicate with one another, and much more.
    • Application Deployment and Security: This covers aspects such as application configuration and policy deployment with automation frameworks such as Ansible. You also get to learn about different application deployment models e.g private cloud, public cloud, hybrid cloud, and edge computing.
    • Cisco Platforms and Development: Here, one gets to learn to work with platforms such as DNA Center; for the digital network architecture, Meraki, ACI, SD-WAN, and Webex which is a leading enterprise solution for video conferencing and online meetings.
    • Network Fundamentals: Here, networking concepts are covered such as simple routing, switching, subnetting, IP addressing and setting up various network topologies and modes of data exchange in a computer network.
    • Software Development and Design: With this module, you get introduced to basic Python programming, working with version control systems such as Git and data formats such as JSON, YAML, and XML. All this is done while maintaining a sleek balance between network and software fundamentals.

    Recommended Experience

    Before taking the bold step to sit for the certification exam. It is recommended that you:

    • Acquire one or more years of experience developing and maintaining applications built on top of Cisco platforms.
    • Develop hands-on experience with the Python programming language.



    You acquire your certification by successfully passing only one exam; the 200-901 DEVASC exam. This certification, typical for Cisco certifications, will be valid for three years.

    Cisco DevNet Specialist Certifications

    This set of certifications validates specialized knowledge and skills suited for an environment focused on continuous delivery of applications and services using Cisco platforms and devices.

    You can choose your focus areas from the below options. Additionally, if you happen to be working and have experience in all these areas, you could take on any combination of certifications.

    Software Specialist:

    Automation Specialist:

    Recommended Experience:

    Before taking the bold step to sit for the certification exam. It is recommended that you:

    • Acquire three to five years of experience in maintaining and developing applications, security, and infrastructure operations.
    • Develop hands-on experience with the Python programming language.

    You acquire your certification by successfully passing only one exam; e.g the 300-435 Enterprise Automation exam if that’s your chosen area of speciality. This certification, typical for Cisco certifications, will also be valid for three years.

    Cisco DevNet Professional Certification

    Come February 2020, the DevNet Professional will be the highest level of certification for the recently conceived software developer certifications. To get certified, you’ll be required to take two exams; a core exam and a concentration exam.

    The core exam is similar to the above Specialist certifications. It will test your knowledge of software design and development, APIs, Cisco platforms, application deployment, security, infrastructure, and automation.

    You automatically get a DevNet Specialist certification upon completion of the core exam. In essence, you earn recognition for your accomplishment every step of the way as you work toward your DevNet Professional certification.

    Recommended Experience:

    Before taking the bold step to sit for the certification exam. It is recommended that you:

    • Acquire three to five years of experience in maintaining and developing applications, security, and infrastructure operations.
    • Develop hands-on experience with the Python programming language .

    You acquire your certification by successfully passing two exams, one core and a concentration exam of your choosing. This certification, typical for Cisco certifications, will be valid for three years.



    More Blogs for you:


    Relevant Exams: 200-901 DEVASC, 350-901 DEVCOR, 300-910 DEVOPS, 300-915 DEVIOT, 300-920 DEVWBX, 300-835 CLAUTO, 300-635 DCAUTO, 300-735 SAUTO, 300-535 SPAUTO, 300-435 ENAUTO