Formazione Cisco

Insoft Services è uno dei pochi fornitori di formazione in EMEAR a offrire una gamma completa di certificazione Cisco e formazione tecnologica specializzata.


Certificazioni Cisco

Sperimenta un approccio di apprendimento misto che combina il meglio della formazione con istruttore e dell'e-learning autogestito per aiutarti a prepararti per l'esame di certificazione.


Cisco Learning Credits

I Cisco Learning Credits (CLC) sono voucher di formazione prepagati riscattati direttamente con Cisco che semplificano la pianificazione del successo durante l'acquisto di prodotti e servizi Cisco.


Formazione Continua

The Cisco Continuing Education Program offers all active certification holders flexible options to recertify by completing a variety of eligible training items.


Cisco Digital Learning

Certified employees are VALUED assets. Explore Cisco official Digital Learning Library to educate yourself through recorded sessions.


Cisco Business Enablement

The Cisco Business Enablement Partner Program focuses on sharpening the business skills of Cisco Channel Partners and customers.


Catalogo Cisco


Certificazioni Fortinet

Il programma Fortinet Network Security Expert (NSE) è un programma di formazione e certificazione di otto livelli per insegnare agli ingegneri la sicurezza della loro rete per le competenze e l'esperienza di Fortinet FW.


Corsi di formazione tecnica

Insoft è riconosciuto come Fortinet Authorized Training Center in sedi selezionate in tutta l'EMEA.

Corsi tecnici

Catalogo Fortinet

Esplora un'ampia varietà di programmi Fortinet in diversi paesi e corsi online.


Stato ATC

Controlla il nostro stato ATC in tutti i paesi selezionati in Europa.


Fortinet Servizi Professionale

Il team riconosciuto a livello globale di esperti certificati ti aiuta a fare una transizione più fluida con i nostri pacchetti di consulenza, installazione e migrazione predefiniti per una vasta gamma di prodotti Fortinet.


Catalogo Microsoft

Insoft Services fornisce formazione Microsoft in EMEAR. Offriamo corsi di formazione tecnica e certificazione Microsoft guidati da istruttori di livello mondiale.

Corsi tecnici

Corsi di formazione

Impara conoscenze e abilità eccezionali di Extreme Networks.Find all the Extreme Networks online and instructor led class room based calendar here.

Corsi tecnici

Certificazioni Extreme

Forniamo un curriculum completo di competenze tecniche sul conseguimento della certificazione.


Catalogo Extreme


Accreditamento ATP

In qualità di partner di formazione autorizzato (ATP), Insoft Services garantisce che tu riceva i più alti standard di istruzione disponibili.


Pacchetti di consulenza

Forniamo un supporto innovativo e avanzato per la progettazione, l'implementazione e l'ottimizzazione delle soluzioni IT.La nostra base di clienti comprende alcune delle più grandi telco a livello globale.

Soluzioni & Servizi

Il team riconosciuto a livello globale di esperti certificati ti aiuta a fare una transizione più fluida con i nostri pacchetti di consulenza, installazione e migrazione predefiniti per una vasta gamma di prodotti Fortinet.

Chi siamo

Insoft fornisce servizi di formazione e consulenza autorizzati per fornitori IP selezionati.Scopri come stiamo rivoluzionando il settore.

  • +39 02 8704 5199
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    Importance of Network Infrastructure Security

    18th December, 2023

    As our world becomes increasingly digitized, the importance of network infrastructure security grows. With more and more businesses moving online, there are more opportunities for cybercriminals to access sensitive data. This is why it’s so important to have a robust network infrastructure security plan in place.



    In this blog post, we will explore what network infrastructure security is and why it is important, and who can help you keep your network secure.

    What is network infrastructure security?

    Network infrastructure security is a critical element of any organization’s security posture. It encompasses the physical and logical components that make up a network, including routers, switches, firewalls, and other devices. By ensuring that these elements are properly configured and secured, organizations can protect their networks from a variety of threats.

    One of the most important aspects of network infrastructure security is perimeter defense. This involves making sure that all devices that connect to the network are properly authorized and authenticated. Firewalls play a key role in perimeter defense by filtering traffic and blocking unauthorized access. In addition, proper access control lists (ACLs) must be in place to further restrict access to the network.

    Another important element of network infrastructure security is data protection. This includes encrypting data at rest and in transit to prevent unauthorized access. Data encryption is especially important for sensitive information, such as credit card numbers or personal health records. Organizations should also consider implementing intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS) to detect and block malicious activity on the network.



    Why is network infrastructure security important?

    Network infrastructure security is a complex topic, but it is essential for protecting an organization’s data and assets. By taking steps to secure their networks, organizations can help safeguard their business operations from a variety of threats. Here are four reasons why you should invest in better network infrastructure security:

    1. To protect your data. Network security is essential for protecting your organization’s data from theft, corruption, or loss. By investing in robust network security measures, you can help safeguard your most valuable assets.
    2. To ensure continuity of operations. In the event of a security breach or natural disaster, a well-protected network infrastructure can help ensure that your business can continue to operate smoothly. By investing in redundant systems and reliable backup solutions, you can help minimize the impact of any disruptions to your operations.
    3. To meet compliance requirements. Many industries have strict compliance requirements when it comes to data security. By investing in appropriate network security measures, you can help ensure that your organization meets all relevant regulations.
    4. To protect your reputation. In today’s connected world, news of a security breach can spread quickly and damage your organization’s reputation. By investing in robust network security measures, you can help reduce the risk of a damaging data leak and maintain trust with your customers and partners.


    There are a number of steps that organizations can take to improve their network infrastructure security, including:

    1. Implementing strong authentication and authorization controls.
    2. Encrypting sensitive data.
    3. Deploying intrusion detection and prevention systems.
    4. Conducting regular security audits and vulnerability assessments.
    5. Providing comprehensive security training for all users.



    Who should you hire to protect your network?

    While there are a number of different ways to protect your company’s data and networks, hiring certified professionals is one of the most effective.

    Certified network security professionals have the training and experience necessary to identify potential vulnerabilities in your system and put in place the necessary safeguards to prevent attacks. They also have the knowledge to keep up with the latest threats and trends, so you can be confident that your company’s network is as safe as possible.

    Investing in certified network security professionals is an investment in the long-term security of your business. In today’s increasingly connected world, it is essential to have reliable protection for your company’s critical data and networks. So if you’re looking to hire someone to help protect your business, make sure they’re certified!