In NSE 1, you learned about the threat landscape and the security problems facing organizations and individuals.
In NSE 2 The Evolution of Cybersecurity course, you will learn about the types of security products that security vendors created to address those problems.
This course is open to anyone who wants to learn about about cybersecurity and security products.
All Fortinet employees and partners are required to obtain NSE 1, NSE 2, and NSE 3 certifications.
You can locate the exam answers after each quiz attempt should you get the answers incorrect. You are then able to retake the quiz.
You must successfully complete all lessons and quizzes within the The Evolution of Cybersecurity course.
NSE 2 is part of the Fortinet NSE Associate designation. Candidates must pass NSE 1, NSE 2, and NSE 3 to be a Fortinet NSE Associate. The NSE 2 certification is valid two years from the date of completion.
You can renew your certification by taking the current NSE 2 course in the NSE Institute.
The NSE 2 course is available in the NSE Institute.
After you log in in the NSE Institute, click the following link to enroll in this course: NSE 2 The Evolution of Cybersecurity course.
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