
Insoft Services ist einer der wenigen Schulungsanbieter in EMEAR, der ein umfassendes Angebot an Cisco-Zertifizierungen und spezialisierten Technologieschulungen anbietet.

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Cisco Zertifizierungen

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Cisco Learning Credits

Cisco Learning Credits (CLCs) sind Prepaid-Schulungsgutscheine, die direkt bei Cisco eingelöst werden und die Planung für Ihren Erfolg beim Kauf von Cisco-Produkten und -Services erleichtern.

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Cisco Continuing Education

Das Cisco Continuing Education Program bietet allen aktiven Zertifizierungsinhabern flexible Optionen zur Rezertifizierung, indem sie eine Vielzahl von in Frage kommenden Schulungselementen absolvieren.

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Cisco Digital Learning

Zertifizierte Mitarbeiter sind GESCHÄTZTE Vermögenswerte. Erkunden Sie die offizielle Digital Learning Library von Cisco, um sich durch aufgezeichnete Sitzungen weiterzubilden.


Cisco Business Enablement

Das Cisco Business Enablement Partner Program konzentriert sich auf die Verbesserung der Geschäftsfähigkeiten von Cisco Channel Partnern und Kunden.

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Technische Zertifizierung

Das Fortinet Network Security Expert (NSE) -Programm ist ein achtstufiges Schulungs- und Zertifizierungsprogramm, um Ingenieuren ihre Netzwerksicherheit für Fortinet FW-Fähigkeiten und -Erfahrungen beizubringen.

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Insoft Services hat eine spezielle Lösung entwickelt, um den Prozess der Installation oder Migration zu Fortinet-Produkten zu rationalisieren und zu vereinfachen.

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Insoft Services bietet Microsoft-Schulungen in EMEAR an. Wir bieten technische Schulungen und Zertifizierungskurse von Microsoft an, die von erstklassigen Instruktoren geleitet werden.

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Technische Kurse

Technische Zertifizierung

Wir bieten einen umfassenden Lehrplan für technische Kompetenzen zur Zertifizierung an.

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Extreme Schulungskatalog

Hier finden Sie alle Extreme Networks online und den von Lehrern geleiteten Kalender für den Klassenraum.

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Wir bieten innovative und fortschrittliche Unterstützung bei der Konzeption, Implementierung und Optimierung von IT-Lösungen. Unsere Kundenbasis umfasst einige der größten Telcos weltweit.


Ein weltweit anerkanntes Team von zertifizierten Experten unterstützt Sie bei einem reibungsloseren Übergang mit unseren vordefinierten Beratungs-, Installations- und Migrationspaketen für eine breite Palette von Fortinet-Produkten.

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  • +49 6151 277 6496
  • U8617S - HPE NonStop SQL/MX Database Management

    5 Tage
    (Online Und Vor Ort)
    Preis auf Anfrage

    This course introduces tasks used by database administrators or system managers to manage and protect a NonStop SQL/MX database and applications that access the database.

    • Describe HP NonStop SQL/MX architecture
    • Install SQL/MX and upgrade SQL/MX metadata to current release
    • Create, alter, and drop SQL/MX database objects (catalogs, schemas, tables, constraints, indexes, views, and triggers)
    • Grant and revoke access privileges to SQL/MX database objects
    • Import data into SQL/MX non-partitioned and range and hash partitioned tables
    • Protect and recover SQL/MX database objects with HP NonStop Transaction Management Facility
    • Use the MODIFY utility to add, split, merge, and drop SQL/MX range and hash partitioned tables
    • Describe and use the SQL/MX utilities (DUP, import, migrate, MODIFY, mxtool, mxexportddl, MXGNAMES, POPULATE INDEX, and PURGEDATA)
    • Describe the SQL.MX distributed database architecture

    Module 1 Overview of SQL/MX Architecture

    • SQL/MX logical structure, catalogs, schemas, and objects
    • SQL/MX physical structure: SMD volumes, schema subvolumes, data forks and resource forks
    • SQL/MX processes and utilities
    • Lab exercise: Overview of SQL/MX Architecture
    • Identify the system catalog, schemas, and objects
    • Identify user catalogs, schemas, and objects
    • Locate the underlying files for SQL/MX objects
    • Metadata basics


    Module 2 SQL/MX Installation

    • Hardware and software requirements for installing SQL/MX
    • Installing SQL/MX with the InstallSqlmx utility
    • Verifying the SQL/MX Installation
    • Create the SQL/MX sample database
    • Lab exercise: Perform a post-installation check for SQL/MX.

    Module 3 Metadata Migration to SQL/MX R3.0

    • Migrating considerations
    • Post upgrade scenarios
    • FIXRCB operation
    • UPGRADE utility

    Module 4 Creating SQL/MX Objects

    • Creating catalogs, schemas, tables, constraints, indexes, and views
    • Viewing object metadata
    • Lab exercise: Creating SQL/MX Objects with mxci or NSM/web

    Module 5 Referential Integrity Constraints

    • Referential Integrity
    • Creating referential integrity constraints as column or table constraints
    • Lab exercise: Creating Referential Integrity constraints with mxci or NSM/web

    Module 6 Creating SQL/MX Partitioned Tables and Indexes

    • Range and hash partitioned tables
    • Creating range and hash partitioned tables and indexes
    • Advantages and Disadvantages of each type of partitioning.
    • Decoupled keys, co-partitioned tables, and co-located partitions
    • Lab exercise: Creating range and hash partitioned tables with mxci or NSM/web

    Module 7 Creating SQL/MX Triggers

    • Trigger terminology
    • Creating BEFORE and AFTER triggers
    • Cascading and conflicting triggers
    • Lab exercise: Creating SQL/MX Triggers

    Module 8 SQL/MX Security

    • Object ownership and security rules
    • Object Privileges
    • Use of Security Administrator's Group
    • Change object ownership
    • SQL/MX GRANT and REVOKE commands
    • Lab exercise: Granting and Revoking Privileges with mxci or NSM/web

    Module 9 Import and Populate Index Utilities

    • Importing fixed and delimited data with the import utility
    • Importing data in parallel
    • Populating (loading) indexes
    • Lab exercise: Importing Data into Range and Hash Partitioned Tables and Indexes

    Module 10 Reorganizing SQL/MX Tables and Indexes

    • Reorganizing data
    • Determining file fragmentation
    • FUP RELOAD and INFO commands
    • Lab exercise: Reorganizing Data

    Module 11 Updating Statistics

    • Histogram Statistics and histogram metadata tables
    • Generating single column and multicolumn statistics
    • Using sampling with the update statistics utility
    • Lab exercise: Updating and Viewing Statistics

    Module 12 Database Protection and Recovery with TMF

    • TMF Protection and Recovery Strategies
    • MXGNAMES Utility
    • Performing Online Dumps
    • Recovering dropped SQL/MX Objects
    • Lab exercise: SQL/MX Protection and Recovery Using TMF

    Module 13 Compiling SQL/MX Programs in the OSS Environment

    • Compiling SQL/MX Programs!Preprocessing source files for SQL/MX
    • Language compiling SQL/MX annotated source files
    • SQL/MX compiling module definition files
    • Global or local module files
    • Defining search paths for module files
    • Lab exercise: Compiling Embedded SQL/MX C or COBOL Programs in the OSS environment

    Module 14 PURGEDATA Command and MODIFY Utility

    • Purging data from range and hash partitioned tables
    • Adding, splitting, merging, and dropping range partitions
    • Adding and dropping hash partitions
    • Lab exercise: PURGEDATA Command and MODIFY Utility

    Module 15 SQL/MX Utilities

    • DUP tables, indexes, and constraints
    • RECOVER utility
    • mxtool (INFO, VERIFY, FIXUP, and GOAWAY) utility
    • Lab exercise: SQL/MX Utilities

    Module 16 NonStop MXDM

    • Features and requirements of MXDM
    • Installing and uninstalling
    • Example screens

    Module 17 Managing SQL/MX Applications

    • Name references in programs
    • Compile time and late name resolution
    • Similarity checking
    • Automatic recompilation
    • Methods for moving SQL/MX applications
    • Lab exercise: Managing Embedded SQL/MX Programs

    Module 18 SQL/MX Distributed Databases

    • Distributed databases
    • Transparency, visibility, and availability
    • ANSI name translation for local and remote objects
    • Lab exercise: SQL/MX Distributed Database Demonstration

    Module 19 Adding, Altering, and Dropping SQL/MX Objects

    • Authorization for adding, altering, and dropping SQL/MX objects
    • Adding SQL/MX objects
    • Altering SQL/MX objects
    • Dropping SQL/MX objects
    • Lab exercise: Altering and dropping SQL/MX objects

    Module 20 Open Source Tools

    • Overview of open source tools available for SQL/MX usage
    • Describe usage of Eclipse to access SQL.MX
    • Overview of use of DBVisualizer to access SQL/MX
    • HP NonStop Integrity Server or NonStop Blade Server or later that supports 1 GB of memory and IEEE floating point
    • H06.22 or later Operating System and DDL Licensing Product T0394
    • Projecting equipment, computer to display MS Power Point slides and access to a TACL process
    • Student computers with access to a TACL process
    • Database administrators
    • System managers
    • Personnel responsible for the availability of NonStop SQL/MX databases and applications.
    • NonStop SQL/MX Basics (U4184S)
    • NonStop SQL/MX Quick Start (U4185S)

    This course introduces tasks used by database administrators or system managers to manage and protect a NonStop SQL/MX database and applications that access the database.

    • Describe HP NonStop SQL/MX architecture
    • Install SQL/MX and upgrade SQL/MX metadata to current release
    • Create, alter, and drop SQL/MX database objects (catalogs, schemas, tables, constraints, indexes, views, and triggers)
    • Grant and revoke access privileges to SQL/MX database objects
    • Import data into SQL/MX non-partitioned and range and hash partitioned tables
    • Protect and recover SQL/MX database objects with HP NonStop Transaction Management Facility
    • Use the MODIFY utility to add, split, merge, and drop SQL/MX range and hash partitioned tables
    • Describe and use the SQL/MX utilities (DUP, import, migrate, MODIFY, mxtool, mxexportddl, MXGNAMES, POPULATE INDEX, and PURGEDATA)
    • Describe the SQL.MX distributed database architecture

    Module 1 Overview of SQL/MX Architecture

    • SQL/MX logical structure, catalogs, schemas, and objects
    • SQL/MX physical structure: SMD volumes, schema subvolumes, data forks and resource forks
    • SQL/MX processes and utilities
    • Lab exercise: Overview of SQL/MX Architecture
    • Identify the system catalog, schemas, and objects
    • Identify user catalogs, schemas, and objects
    • Locate the underlying files for SQL/MX objects
    • Metadata basics


    Module 2 SQL/MX Installation

    • Hardware and software requirements for installing SQL/MX
    • Installing SQL/MX with the InstallSqlmx utility
    • Verifying the SQL/MX Installation
    • Create the SQL/MX sample database
    • Lab exercise: Perform a post-installation check for SQL/MX.

    Module 3 Metadata Migration to SQL/MX R3.0

    • Migrating considerations
    • Post upgrade scenarios
    • FIXRCB operation
    • UPGRADE utility

    Module 4 Creating SQL/MX Objects

    • Creating catalogs, schemas, tables, constraints, indexes, and views
    • Viewing object metadata
    • Lab exercise: Creating SQL/MX Objects with mxci or NSM/web

    Module 5 Referential Integrity Constraints

    • Referential Integrity
    • Creating referential integrity constraints as column or table constraints
    • Lab exercise: Creating Referential Integrity constraints with mxci or NSM/web

    Module 6 Creating SQL/MX Partitioned Tables and Indexes

    • Range and hash partitioned tables
    • Creating range and hash partitioned tables and indexes
    • Advantages and Disadvantages of each type of partitioning.
    • Decoupled keys, co-partitioned tables, and co-located partitions
    • Lab exercise: Creating range and hash partitioned tables with mxci or NSM/web

    Module 7 Creating SQL/MX Triggers

    • Trigger terminology
    • Creating BEFORE and AFTER triggers
    • Cascading and conflicting triggers
    • Lab exercise: Creating SQL/MX Triggers

    Module 8 SQL/MX Security

    • Object ownership and security rules
    • Object Privileges
    • Use of Security Administrator's Group
    • Change object ownership
    • SQL/MX GRANT and REVOKE commands
    • Lab exercise: Granting and Revoking Privileges with mxci or NSM/web

    Module 9 Import and Populate Index Utilities

    • Importing fixed and delimited data with the import utility
    • Importing data in parallel
    • Populating (loading) indexes
    • Lab exercise: Importing Data into Range and Hash Partitioned Tables and Indexes

    Module 10 Reorganizing SQL/MX Tables and Indexes

    • Reorganizing data
    • Determining file fragmentation
    • FUP RELOAD and INFO commands
    • Lab exercise: Reorganizing Data

    Module 11 Updating Statistics

    • Histogram Statistics and histogram metadata tables
    • Generating single column and multicolumn statistics
    • Using sampling with the update statistics utility
    • Lab exercise: Updating and Viewing Statistics

    Module 12 Database Protection and Recovery with TMF

    • TMF Protection and Recovery Strategies
    • MXGNAMES Utility
    • Performing Online Dumps
    • Recovering dropped SQL/MX Objects
    • Lab exercise: SQL/MX Protection and Recovery Using TMF

    Module 13 Compiling SQL/MX Programs in the OSS Environment

    • Compiling SQL/MX Programs!Preprocessing source files for SQL/MX
    • Language compiling SQL/MX annotated source files
    • SQL/MX compiling module definition files
    • Global or local module files
    • Defining search paths for module files
    • Lab exercise: Compiling Embedded SQL/MX C or COBOL Programs in the OSS environment

    Module 14 PURGEDATA Command and MODIFY Utility

    • Purging data from range and hash partitioned tables
    • Adding, splitting, merging, and dropping range partitions
    • Adding and dropping hash partitions
    • Lab exercise: PURGEDATA Command and MODIFY Utility

    Module 15 SQL/MX Utilities

    • DUP tables, indexes, and constraints
    • RECOVER utility
    • mxtool (INFO, VERIFY, FIXUP, and GOAWAY) utility
    • Lab exercise: SQL/MX Utilities

    Module 16 NonStop MXDM

    • Features and requirements of MXDM
    • Installing and uninstalling
    • Example screens

    Module 17 Managing SQL/MX Applications

    • Name references in programs
    • Compile time and late name resolution
    • Similarity checking
    • Automatic recompilation
    • Methods for moving SQL/MX applications
    • Lab exercise: Managing Embedded SQL/MX Programs

    Module 18 SQL/MX Distributed Databases

    • Distributed databases
    • Transparency, visibility, and availability
    • ANSI name translation for local and remote objects
    • Lab exercise: SQL/MX Distributed Database Demonstration

    Module 19 Adding, Altering, and Dropping SQL/MX Objects

    • Authorization for adding, altering, and dropping SQL/MX objects
    • Adding SQL/MX objects
    • Altering SQL/MX objects
    • Dropping SQL/MX objects
    • Lab exercise: Altering and dropping SQL/MX objects

    Module 20 Open Source Tools

    • Overview of open source tools available for SQL/MX usage
    • Describe usage of Eclipse to access SQL.MX
    • Overview of use of DBVisualizer to access SQL/MX
    • HP NonStop Integrity Server or NonStop Blade Server or later that supports 1 GB of memory and IEEE floating point
    • H06.22 or later Operating System and DDL Licensing Product T0394
    • Projecting equipment, computer to display MS Power Point slides and access to a TACL process
    • Student computers with access to a TACL process
    • Database administrators
    • System managers
    • Personnel responsible for the availability of NonStop SQL/MX databases and applications.
    • NonStop SQL/MX Basics (U4184S)
    • NonStop SQL/MX Quick Start (U4185S)
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