Cisco træning

Insoft Services er en af de få uddannelsesudbydere i EMEAR, der tilbyder hele spektret af Cisco-certificering og specialiseret teknologiuddannelse.

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Oplev en blandet læringsmetode, der kombinerer det bedste fra instruktørstyret træning og e-læring i eget tempo for at hjælpe dig med at forberede dig til din certificeringseksamen.

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Cisco Learning Credits

Cisco Learning Credits (CLCs) er forudbetalte træningskuponer, der indløses direkte med Cisco, og som gør det nemmere at planlægge din succes, når du køber Cisco-produkter og -tjenester.

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Cisco Efteruddannelse

Cisco Continuing Education Program tilbyder alle aktive certificeringsindehavere fleksible muligheder for at gencertificere ved at gennemføre en række kvalificerede træningselementer.

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Cisco Digital Learning

Certificerede medarbejdere er VÆRDSATTE aktiver. Udforsk Ciscos officielle digitale læringsbibliotek for at uddanne dig selv gennem optagede sessioner.

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Cisco Business Enablement

Cisco Business Enablement Partner Program fokuserer på at skærpe Cisco Channel Partners og kunders forretningsmæssige færdigheder.

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Cisco kursuskatalog

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Fortinet Network Security Expert (NSE) -programmet er et otte-niveau uddannelses- og certificeringsprogram for at undervise ingeniører i deres netværkssikkerhed for Fortinet FW-færdigheder og erfaring.

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Fortinet træning

Insoft er anerkendt som Autoriseret Fortinet Training Center på udvalgte steder på tværs af EMEA.

Tekniske kurser

Fortinet kursuskatalog

Udforsk hele Fortinet-træningskataloget. Programmet omfatter en bred vifte af selvstændige og instruktørledede kurser.

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Tjek vores ATC-status på tværs af udvalgte lande i Europa.

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Fortinet Professionelle Services

Globalt anerkendte team af certificerede eksperter hjælper dig med at gøre en mere jævn overgang med vores foruddefinerede konsulent-, installations- og migreringspakker til en lang række Fortinet-produkter.

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Microsoft træning

Insoft Services tilbyder Microsoft-undervisning i EMEAR. Vi tilbyder Microsoft tekniske kurser og certificeringskurser, der ledes af instruktører i verdensklasse.

Tekniske kurser

Extreme træning

Find all the Extreme Networks online and instructor led class room based calendar here.

Tekniske kurser

Tekniske certificeringer

Vi leverer omfattende læseplan for tekniske kompetencefærdigheder på certificeringspræstationen.

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Extreme kursuskatalog

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Som autoriseret uddannelsespartner (ATP) sikrer Insoft Services, at du får de højeste uddannelsesstandarder, der findes.

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Løsninger og tjenester

Vi leverer innovativ og avanceret support til design, implementering og optimering af IT-løsninger. Vores kundebase omfatter nogle af de største Telcos globalt.

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Globalt anerkendte team af certificerede eksperter hjælper dig med at gøre en mere jævn overgang med vores foruddefinerede konsulent-, installations- og migreringspakker til en lang række Fortinet-produkter.

Om os

Insoft tilbyder autoriseret uddannelses- og konsulentbistand til udvalgte IP-leverandører. Få mere at vide om, hvordan vi revolutionerer branchen.

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  • +45 32 70 99 90
  • Investigations with Email Security Cloud

    1 Dag
    (Online Og På stedet)
    Pris på forespørgsel

    This course provides an overview of Trellix Email Security – Cloud core functionality and covers administration procedures and alert analysis.


    Hands-on activities include rule/policy creation, alert generation and the breakdown and analysis of information found in a Trellix email alert that is used in incident reporting.

    • Describe how Email Security detects and protects against malware
    • Demonstrate knowledge of the email analysis process
    • Configure Email Security settings, policies, and notifications
    • Describe the various queues used for email management and processing
    • Identify alerts correlated with Trellix Network Security with and without Trellix Central Management
    • Find critical alert information on the dashboard
    • Access and manage alerts and quarantined emails
    • Examine OS and file changes in alert details to identify malware behaviors and triage alerts

    1. Threats and Malware Trends

    • Malware overview and definition
    • Attack motivations
    • Targeted attack lifecycle
    • Types of malware
    • Emerging threat actors

    2. Email Threats and Detection Engines

    • Email Security internal flow
    • Malicious email campaigns
    • Email threats
    • Email hunting

    3. Email Security Cloud Alerts

    • Email alerts summary and message details
    • Quarantine
    • Malware objects
    • Email trace
    • Email executive summary report

    4. MVX Alerts

    • APIs
    • File and folder actions
    • Code injection
    • Processes
    • Mutexes
    • Windows registry events
    • Network access
    • User account access (UAC)

    5. Email Security – Cloud Administration

    • Setting up and testing a new domain
    • Policy configuration
    • Remediation
    • Custom rules and YARA
    • End user reporting and notifications
    • Email analysis status
    • Advanced configurations

    6. YARA with Email Security – Cloud

    • YARA hexadecimal
    • Regular expressions
    • Conditions
    • YARA rule resources
    • YARA in Trellix Email Security – Cloud

    This course is intended for analysts (primary) and administrators responsible for the setup and management of Email Security – Cloud and use Email Security – Cloud to detect, investigate, and prevent cyber threats.

    Students taking this course should have a working understanding of networking, email security, and email support.

    This course provides an overview of Trellix Email Security – Cloud core functionality and covers administration procedures and alert analysis.


    Hands-on activities include rule/policy creation, alert generation and the breakdown and analysis of information found in a Trellix email alert that is used in incident reporting.

    • Describe how Email Security detects and protects against malware
    • Demonstrate knowledge of the email analysis process
    • Configure Email Security settings, policies, and notifications
    • Describe the various queues used for email management and processing
    • Identify alerts correlated with Trellix Network Security with and without Trellix Central Management
    • Find critical alert information on the dashboard
    • Access and manage alerts and quarantined emails
    • Examine OS and file changes in alert details to identify malware behaviors and triage alerts

    1. Threats and Malware Trends

    • Malware overview and definition
    • Attack motivations
    • Targeted attack lifecycle
    • Types of malware
    • Emerging threat actors

    2. Email Threats and Detection Engines

    • Email Security internal flow
    • Malicious email campaigns
    • Email threats
    • Email hunting

    3. Email Security Cloud Alerts

    • Email alerts summary and message details
    • Quarantine
    • Malware objects
    • Email trace
    • Email executive summary report

    4. MVX Alerts

    • APIs
    • File and folder actions
    • Code injection
    • Processes
    • Mutexes
    • Windows registry events
    • Network access
    • User account access (UAC)

    5. Email Security – Cloud Administration

    • Setting up and testing a new domain
    • Policy configuration
    • Remediation
    • Custom rules and YARA
    • End user reporting and notifications
    • Email analysis status
    • Advanced configurations

    6. YARA with Email Security – Cloud

    • YARA hexadecimal
    • Regular expressions
    • Conditions
    • YARA rule resources
    • YARA in Trellix Email Security – Cloud

    This course is intended for analysts (primary) and administrators responsible for the setup and management of Email Security – Cloud and use Email Security – Cloud to detect, investigate, and prevent cyber threats.

    Students taking this course should have a working understanding of networking, email security, and email support.

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